Well-Known Member
Lampley said:Wore mine Monday - Friday when I went to work the first few years of marriage. Don't wear it on the farm or in the shop in the afternoons or weekends. My wife got tired of me losing it around the house when I took it off. Most of the time it was in my pants pocket.... so she told me just to quit wearing before I really lost it. Now I wear it just when we go out on dates.
Update: so after reading all you guys recommending silicon rings I did a little research and decided to order me one. Found qalo makes a sweet looking camo one. Figured it would make the wife happy, me wearing a ring all the time and I would not have to worry about skinning my finger on the farm or in the shop. It was only like $23 with shipping so if it breaks or I lose it no biggie. It came in yesterday, and it feels pretty good and looks good to. My wife is happy, heck she may show me a little