Well-Known Member
I got mine yesterday! Cause they know how fawking hardcore I am! 

Ya that is a tough one, and this last issue getting out a bit late compounded that.
As a smaller company, we cannot afford to do 2 print runs, ones for the subscribers and one for the news stands.
Other mags own their own presses, or are large enough to do 2 runs. At the present time, we just cant do it.
Pretty much wraps it up in a nutshell. Sucks, but we cant do anything about it right now. What we need it support from the wheelin community as a whole. IF they just bitch and complain, and talk bad about us, it doesnt help us at all.
The industry as a whole is slow, and that is killing us. We're getting paid late, which puts us behind the 8 ball. Also still being in our infancy, we make mistakes and get a bit behind with stuff. Just like any new company, we'll have our ups and downs, but we're still moving forward.
You have 65,000 copies broken down into about 20 shipments of 3000 - 5000 each which is about a pallet. Those get stuck on a truck and drive day and night until they get to the local warehouse, usually 48 hours later. Then they hop a route truck to a store and are on shelves. meanwhile 10,000 or more individual copies get polybagged (takes a few extra days) and labeled (another day) by then the store copies are in route... they they go through no less than 10 stops along the way thru the postal system, and they can't go alone sp sometimes they have to wait until the batch going to that zip code is big enough, so they sit... post office sucks.