TBItoy said:99 beige Lumina.
At the time my dad was working in Jackson (hour drive away)which is where the driver testing center was.... Dad was "supposed" to work a half day then come home to get me and take me back to get my license.
Instead he just told me to meet him at the plant on his lunch break and he'd run me out to the driver center, he just swore me to secrecy that I wouldn't tell Mom.., we waited a good 10 years and still got the "Well something could have happened!" speech :****:
Nice lol. First time I ever got pulled over was at 11 years old. Dad was letting me drive a 5 speed 4 cyl old model S-10 on a back road and we came up on a cop who had a car pulled over. I slowed down, went around them, got over the hill, then here come blue lights. The truck was wrecked in the driver's side and the door wouldn't open, so when the cop got out after I finally stopped (I didn't want to stop haha), dad just got out the passenger side and asked what the problem was. He said "Hell, when y'all went by, I couldn't tell anybody was driving that truck!" This is funny, I would tilt the wheel all the way up and look between it and the top of the dash to see to drive. We did this frequently, but those were the good ole days. I got pulled over probably 3 or 4 times underage driving, sometimes by myself, as dad would let me drive to the store and such since we lived right close to town.