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What did Santa bring you ?

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74_Chevota said:
Got me one of these... Good for up to 750 HP....I think it will push enough fuel for me.


Trying to keep the dodge alive.

That just reminded me that I probably need to change my filters for the sake of it. I've had mine on for over a year now and haven't done any maintenance to it. It's still pushing 16-17lbs and hasn't dropped below 14@ WOT-I love it.

I made out with a couple shirts from my wife.........and access to money needed to FINALLY FINISH MY DAMN JEEP! loller.gif
John Galbreath Jr. said:
My sister and brother-n-law gave me a Helicopter.


RC Helicopter Version 3
Micro RC helicopters are the perfect toy for all year long.
Price $24.44

I open it up, no ****ing batteries.

Think I'll save the box and regift it back to them next year.


John get some damn batteries for that thing. I got one that is similar to that one and its a blast. I been flying it all around the house and torturing the dogs with it.
Got a really nice magnifying glass cause I'm old and can't see :eek:
Got some cologne cause I'm old and smell :-X
Got a Garmin cause I'm old and get lost 8)
Got a day planner cause I'm old and forget what the Hell I'm suppose to be doing today :indianajones:
Got a leather coat cause I'm old and get cold ::)
The only thing I didn't get was some Poly grip cause I'm old and have wooden teef laughing1

Did get a cool sand blast cabinet and parts washer so my garage can look like John G's
I got a whole bunch of clothes, and an awesome Baja video game for PS3 that I'll probably never get to play again once school starts. laughing1
Beside my new fresh paint I gave myself, me and the wife is getting a Recliner for those days when I get to rest. I have also set money aside to get a new gun just don't know what to get next. Me and the wife has no kids " YET " so we get **** as we need or want it. Kinda hard to buy Christmas that way. Dirty Santa, I got a car cleaning kit , bunji cords, and a pocket knife.
So far nothing. I will possibly get a little coin tomorrow from my parents and my grandmother. Kelly, I may have you beat.
so all along i thought i was getting heims for my buggy... showed her the website, told her the contacts, and put the money in the paypal account and all i got was clothes, granted i needed them, but i wanted those heims... oh well, im gonna order them myself... merry christmas to me... the wife and allie both scored laptops and it makes me happy that they are happy, thats more important to me....
Score big this year. Parents gave me a air compressor and a 4 piece nail gun set. Parents-in-laws got me new boots and dig camera. Wife hooke me up with new video camera that can take still photos also. The grandparents hooked me up with sum bones and clothes. I am enjoying the big gift now. Headed to Colorado for 5 days of sking. Dad hooked us up with that. loller.gif
i guess santa knew i needed a new forehead lamp after i lost mine at rbd while rhino bobsledding.......i got all sorts of lights for xmas, forehead light, a few vehical led lights(red/white for the fd), a cpl of led flashlights, and some other misc lights.....
um bunch of clothes a $50 itunes card, a 4 person jeep tent and some tools, gonna treat myself to some jeep parts not sure which ones yet.
Was gona wait and post a pick, but I can't. Got a leg lamp from A Christmas Story movie. It is very nice.
wontwork said:
Was gona wait and post a pick, but I can't. Got a leg lamp from A Christmas Story movie. It is very nice.

Thats badass! Always wanted one.

"Only one thing in the world could've dragged me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window."
I got the best christmas gift I could ask for .Two of the biggest smiles you could ask for on christmas morning from my kids while they were opening their gifts.
Well I still have my parents, but its about the grandkids. wife got a humidifier for us so we can sleep. her parents gave US (not me) $300 to pay bills with. no play with that
tonight I'm guessing a $30 gas card from my mom/dad. I got them each something for $30 so that's fair.
new video camera, clothes, IPOD and a couple DVDs from the wifey. more clothes from mom-in-law, leather wallet (which I needed bad!) didnt really get a whole lot from my side of the family....got to spend my money on driving 14 hours to see them and give them their gifts..... :dunno: not all about getting gifts, but something is nice... but I am glad I got see them though...some of them I havent seen in quite some time...5+ years got to spend a little time with my grandpa, dunno how many more Christmas' he has left.
biggest score was from the dad-in-law. got a new bow (needed one since mine some how disappeared from my dads) PSE Mach X, toxonic sights, Beman ICS arrows, a release, and a Bushnell yardage pro 800 range finder......its nice that he is finally deciding not to be an asshole and not so stingy with his money.....SPREAD THE WEALTH BABY! :afro: :afro:
Matt O. said:
SCORE! Best christmas ever Frank!

I hate to tell you but Santa made a wrong turn. He really needs to get a GPS. I can meet you to pick up my presents! molaugh You came out good.