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What do you pack in your emergency kit?

Bring a buddy!:awesomework: Opposet sex prefered:masturbanana[1]: Must stay worm out there:kissmybutt: :cool:

Last winter me and a couple friends were wheeling in Capitol Forest. We were on our way down and came across someone stuck in the middle of the trail. He was was just wheeling with his girlfriends as a passanger with no other trucks in his group. She was bitching him out the whole time we helped to get him unstuck. Now I don't know about you, but I would rather be stuck listening to just the radio or wind howling than listening to the nagging from the "opposet" sex....

i pack a metric ton of **** but something i didn't see listed is somesort of patch for your cooling system. I carry a 12" piece of copper tube and several clamps, along with a few chunks of various hoses and barb fittings.

Also I keep a 5 gal bucket in the truck with a top. It serves two purposes, holds various fluids, cleaners, hoses mentioned above, grease, etc...plus if I ever have a major leak or need to drain fluids I can drain it into the bucket and put the top on to keep from making a mess on the trail. I call it the oh **** bucket. :redneck:
superglue and duct tape.

bandaids neospotin, warm clothes, canned for water, a blanket. matches. i nestly cant remember everything.

and the 9mm is not in the first aid kit its on my hip.
an emergency to me is when I break something in the outlet mall. If so I have spare leaf springs for the front and rear and enough 60 parts to build another axle with me :redneck:
Dont forget some reading material:masturbanana[1]: , and a deck of cards. Then you don't need a woman and it will keep you from going crazy if you are stuck for weeks.
Some other things not mentioned...
A coleman type propain bottle with a torch attachment (this works well to

I was at Fred Meyer's and they had a one-day sale, 50% off all hand tools and hobby crap in the tool department. The torches were included :D
Got a couple of them... self lighting: Regularly $25, mine for $12.50. Normal ones Reg $20, mine for $10, Propane Reg $4, mine for $2. Hell, even JB weld was $5, mine for $2.50 :fawkdancesmiley:

Some type of hand held gps incase your lost, and or just carry alot of flares to set the forest on fire that will get you found lol.