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What tranny you guys think?

Well talked to Jake (see link above) and he said to build my tranny stage II capable of supporting 750 HP. (he supplies core, K case with short output) HD alum deep pan, reverse pattern, manual valve body w/compression braking and matched converter would run $1550. Here are the specs. Does that sound about right?

As with all Jake's Performance transmissions they include all new friction clutches, bands, steel plates, soft parts, filter, modulator (if applicable), as well as hydraulic upgrades, bearings added at several thrust locations, and other modifications depending on power level.

"Stage I" TH400 is the basic rebuild with valve body and hydraulic improvements, rollerized rear thrust, heavy duty intermediate snap ring, and new chrome transmission pan. 450 HP/TQ capable. Our Stage II TH400 includes all the components in the Stage I rebuild but is upgraded to a 34 element sprag and the corresponding direct drum, 6 clutch direct with carbon based frictions, 4 clutch intermediate, manual/automatic valve body or forward pattern full manual upon request. OEM Deep pan and additonal modifications. 750 HP/TQ capable.
We had to have 2 TH 400s built this past year and it was only about $1800 for both at PTC in Muscle Shoals. They went through one converter and also built us one new one. They also put bigger planetaries in both of them with reverse manual valve bodies and internal line locks. They are both rated for over 1000 HP. We didnt get new cases but thats almos 2 for one and we have had zero trouble.
Well the cheapest core I can find is $150 and does not include the flywheel cover. I guess I could call PTC and see what they would charge for a build and they supply the core. Its just that I gotta supply Jimmy a tranny whether it be empty or built so he can mock up. Would rather find a empty case to send Jimmy so I can build the good tranny at my leisure.