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Whats Happening At Elbe Hills this Weekend?


Broken on Backdoor
Jun 24, 2007
Hi All:

What is happening at Elbe hills ORV area this weekend (July 30th.)

I am going down with a group of friends, but have heard that there will be two other groups running trails, WOW and somebody else.

Just looking for details so my group can avoid a traffic jam with other groups.


There is an illegal, non-permitted, non-insured charitable MS "fun run" this Saturday.
Actually if anyone is going to be up there let me know, I'm serious when I say a certain someone needs a day in the woods.
There is an illegal, non-permitted, non-insured charitable MS "fun run" this Saturday.

Might want to check your facts before throwing people under the bus like that. I talked to Nancy this morning and the MS run has all of its permits and insurance in place for their event.
Might want to check your facts before throwing people under the bus like that. I talked to Nancy this morning and the MS run has all of its permits and insurance in place for their event.

Im sure WoWs Elbe hills ORV rep. Would never do such a thing like that,:looser:
At the last Elbe focus group meeting Nancy said it did not look like the guy was going to be able to get insurace and the permit done in time. Im glad to see everything is in place.
Hi All:

Thanks for the info guys about the MS fun Run.

Can anyone provide me with contact info for the organizer ("Nancy")?


Nancy is the Elbe DNR Recreation Manager, all events have to be OKd by her.

The Multiple Scierosis benefit is $15 per person, there will be raffle/auction prizes, Chad is the event contact person 253-278-4026

Thanks CrazyDaze!


Nancy is the Elbe DNR Recreation Manager, all events have to be OKd by her.

The Multiple Scierosis benefit is $15 per person, there will be raffle/auction prizes, Chad is the event contact person 253-278-4026

At the last Elbe focus group meeting Nancy said it did not look like the guy was going to be able to get insurace and the permit done in time. Im glad to see everything is in place.

Did anybody from WOW let them know that WOW can help with getting the insurance?

Thinking about going up this weekend, anybody else?