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Whats it going to take?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
To keep our orv areas open to us wheelers. I mean I love our sport but with the rescent winter closing of Evans, Faithwheelers /webfooters play days getting shut down, and us just loosing our orv land little by little. What is the wheeling community got to do to keep our sport alive? I have got a ton invested in this hobby that I love, and for one dont do enough, so I ask you whats it going to take? I honestly believe our strength is in numbers like for instance the NRA, but we dont have an association around here that represents ALL four wheelers big and small. If we ignore the writings on the wall, I believe we are surely doomed as the environmental tree huggers will have their way. So what are your thoughts?
and now you know why i dont have a dirt bike any more the only place that we could ride them is private track or at the race track :mad:
PORTER said:
To keep our orv areas open to us wheelers. I mean I love our sport but with the rescent winter closing of Evans, Faithwheelers /webfooters play days getting shut down, and us just loosing our orv land little by little. What is the wheeling community got to do to keep our sport alive? I have got a ton invested in this hobby that I love, and for one dont do enough, so I ask you whats it going to take? I honestly believe our strength is in numbers like for instance the NRA, but we dont have an association around here that represents ALL four wheelers big and small. If we ignore the writings on the wall, I believe we are surely doomed as the environmental tree huggers will have their way. So what are your thoughts?

well lets see...... If you joined the PNW4WDA and I mean a whole bunch of you then you would gain a voice (thats already there) Just think of the voice that could be heard if everyone that wheels joined up and helped make some changes. The clout we would have would be enourmous(sp)
What its going to take is people in public office that have common sence, willing to work with the 'common' folk, don't bow down and bend over backwards to 'greenies' (a term I don't like but its the one that fits in the case), arn't constently try to kiss ass and get re-elected, and are willing to find a way to make space and resorces avalaible for ALL users.

so in other words we are doomed.
Guy cums hard
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I find it odd that just the other day I read something about how rock crawling and off-roading was one of the fastest growing "sports", yet as we all know, they seem to be shutting down all the areas to utilize such vehicles. Seems a little odd to me...

If somebody would get involved half as much as I was.....

Why is it that it takes something to happen before people pul there heads outa there ass. Mike what have you done besides going to cleanups? Have you taken the time with even one person to tell them whats right and whats wrong?

I just don't understand why people are so selfish and al they care about is them selfs---....
Well, we do live in a Democrat controlled state. Vote the right people into office and we won't have these problems, but when the whole state hinges on the votes of city folk in King County, then yes we are doomed.
pokey said:
well lets see...... If you joined the PNW4WDA and I mean a whole bunch of you then you would gain a voice (thats already there) Just think of the voice that could be heard if everyone that wheels joined up and helped make some changes. The clout we would have would be enourmous(sp)
Well Pokey that has crossed my mind. I have some questions for you and will PM. Ideally us wheelers need a watch/take action group that will keep on top of things as they progress as the majority of us flat out dont do enough. I for one would be glad to pay dues to an orginization that would take action to represent all wheelers big, and small. But that orginization must not have an old school approach as today is not the good old days, the challenges we face these days are much different.
crash said:
If somebody would get involved half as much as I was.....

Why is it that it takes something to happen before people pul there heads outa there ass. Mike what have you done besides going to cleanups? Have you taken the time with even one person to tell them whats right and whats wrong?

I just don't understand why people are so selfish and al they care about is them selfs---....
I completely hear what you are saying crash, as I have said I DONT DO ENOUGH. BUT, this is not about me this is about the majority as a few will not get the job done. Me educating people as i do, will not stop the people that flat out want us out of the forest PERIOD. Sure we should all should know proper wheelin rules, but its usually not the wheelers that get us in trouble. I hate so say it our backs are against the wall, and so far the people that want us out are winning and its not just in our state.
PORTER said:
I completely hear what you are saying crash, as I have said I DONT DO ENOUGH. BUT, this is not about me this is about the majority as a few will not get the job done. Me educating people as i do, will not stop the people that flat out want us out of the forest PERIOD. Sure we should all should know proper wheelin rules, but its usually not the wheelers that get us in trouble. I hate so say it our backs are against the wall, and so far the people that want us out are winning and its not just in our state.

There is more to educating those mike than on the trail. I am in a pissy mood as is and I will let this thread be tonight otherwise I will turn into a rambling idiot....
crash said:
There is more to educating those mike than on the trail. I am in a pissy mood as is and I will let this thread be tonight otherwise I will turn into a rambling idiot....
Ya I can tell so chill out shitstain. I would really like to hear your views mike as you do allot for your love of the sport. But please address the wheeling community, that doesnt do enough to keep our areas open. There is a really small band of people that fights for our right to wheel, but the majority just sits back as I have done up to this point.
PORTER said:
Ya I can tell so chill out shitstain. I would really like to hear your views mike as you do allot for your love of the sport. But please address the wheeling community, that doesnt do enough to keep our areas open. There is a really small band of people that fights for our right to wheel, but the majority just sits back as I have done up to this point.

I am chill--just been a long day (but my turd is now fixed so I can wheel)

But right here you nailed it There is a really small band of people that fights for our right to wheel, but the majority just sits back as I have done up to this point There isn't more to say beyond that---just how to go about getting peoples ass's off the damn fench--thats where we gotta start hitting people over thte damn head....

Oh and :kiss:
crash said:
I am chill--just been a long day (but my turd is now fixed so I can wheel)

But right here you nailed it There is a really small band of people that fights for our right to wheel, but the majority just sits back as I have done up to this point There isn't more to say beyond that---just how to go about getting peoples ass's off the damn fench--thats where we gotta start hitting people over thte damn head....

Oh and :kiss:
I agree that alot more people need to get involved, but lets face it thats probably not going to happen. Thats why i believe we need an orginization that will stay on top of things, but more importantly has financial backing, as well as ALOT of members so our voice is really heard. Kinda like the NRA group of wheelers. Oh ya :kiss: back at you big boy.:redneck: .
And you have brought up a great point.

There is something that has always been a pet peeve of mine or something that has bugged me (however its catagorized).

By why is it these shops/companies that feed the sport--be it by parts or services--why is it I never see/hear of them doing much in the way of supporting the cause. Now this can go in many directions but I really don't see anything. Now I know some of the bigger companies out there also have alot to do with the pavement pounder stuff out there but I am willing to be thats maybe 1/2 of there yearly incomes.

Why is it I see no support from those places that go torwards protecting our sport? Or am I just not seeing it because I honestly don't thing its happening.

Now of course there are many ways bussiniess's can support the sport and I will use myself as an example. I spend alot of time trying to do things--perticulary torwards reiter and in that process it takes time from me being able to work on customers rigs. Now something like that may not be directly assosciated with saving the sport but in my eyes its something that does contribute to it....
crash said:
Why is it I see no support from those places

I brought this very valid point up in the other thread concerning PNW$WDA

I myself find it utterly repulsive, that "Businesses" do not sponsor / inform or otherwise have a big say in matters on the front, like government / i.e. affairs concerning our sport, without us being able to wheel?

they will surely lose out on future business or $$$ if no one is able to go wheel / offroading. Hell it's getting pissing annie just to drive on the street in modified rig's... You'd think they'd want in / on the subject and to be the leaders of all if nothing else.

we as a small group - such as yourself Mike, leading the way for Rieter alone, says alot about You & who / what your actions are alone by yourself.

maybe we all are doomed to private property for wheeling, or arena events?

I myself, wouldn't mind seeing that, but... I PAY TAXES TOO! so i should have my rights as well to decide where my fair share of land is available to me to offroad & what i can do to keep that area open. if it means;

I.D. checks & walk along spotters to make sure I'am not tearing up a area meant for offroading - fine... but I shouldn't have my "few" areas closed to wheeling, I bet all places will see closer & if any remain open, there will be stricter rules & guidelines made / imposed on all.

it's a sad day in Offroading World for us.

especially when you think HOW many offroaders there are & what a impact "we" could "all" have if we came together as a "whole" community, rather than small groups or clubs or organizations... as i stated in the other thread,

we all need to find / create 1 - Offroading Organization - & belong to it.
Businesses, users, modifiers, etc... and all get Involved & Updated / Informed & make OUR voices / opinions Heard where it needs to be...

ok, OFF MY HIGHHORSE NOW, that should just about some it up though.:D
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First of all I would like to fully admit that I am a tree hugger.....I just want to drive my Jeep right up the that tree and give it a hug.

Anyways....I'm sure this is all taking place but, down here we are teaming up with ALL user groups to keep land open. That includes, ATV/MXr's, equestrians, hikers, bikers etc. to make a bigger group to fight with. But I remember alot of animosity between user groups up there. Just an idea though. Sounds to me as if you need to get the 4 wheelin community together first then reel in the other UG's?

On a side note...I can't attend a any of the events up there, but if letters need to be written? let me know I, my club, (Arizona Rock Crawlers) and many other clubs down here write for issues all over the country. Keep me posted and we'll do what we can.
What I think Its going to take to keep these areas open.

-Great not just good relationships with the Forest service and DNR
-Education-For new wheelers but also as important for those that want to do more but are not sure where to start.
-Strong volunteer base- the things that need to be done for this sport cost too much already and no Org. will be able to pay people.
-Confidence and support in an effective Org. so that it will be attractive to get membership to continue to go up with the increase in popularity in the sport.

Now the question is how do we do that. We have the PNW4WDA that is basically for all 4x4 users in the region. Things are not perfect there and will never be, because an org like this needs constant change. However most of the people there have been there for a while and have the attitude that this is how we have always done it. But we need to change that attitude to "what has been is not what needs to be" because what has been is not getting the job done anymore. Wich is evident in the recent closures and cancellations.

In the PNW there are people that are more focused on racing, but there are also people more focused on running simple trails, there are also some that are focused on running the harder trails. The more we support each others interests the more support you will get in your interests.

Now if I asked the question- How many on this one website want to do more to support this sport? I can bet that most would be raising there hands.

Then ask- If you want to do more, do you know what kind of things need to be done specifically? I see alot less hands going up now.

Then- How many of you that don't know what needs to be done are willing to go out and learn for yourself what really needs to be done? even less hands are going up.

My point is to start we need good, strong leaders. I know there are some of you out there that with a little push will pick up something and run with it.

Leaders can get a following that can help do some of the work and then can start to educate those that want to help but don't know what to do. Attending one or two cleanups a year isn't gonna cut it.

Man that was alot more typing than what I had planned when I started. I hope it sounds ok.:D
Devon---my eyes just melted in my head :;

Bottom line--people need to quit being selfish and have the mindset that somebody else will handle/deal with it..

And that just makes no sense to me because there are ALOT of wheelers out there who have a significant of an investment into this hobby.

People are more eager to drink and wheel than spend a little time to try and help protect/get involved... I just don't understand it...

For instance those of us who have traveled long distances to go wheel. Anybody ever thought what the local users of those areas have gone thru to protect those areas? Probably not....

It makes no sense...
I am always tryin to help and do my part. :clappy: I love this sport, and love doing what i can to help keep it alive. And most people who know me know that :cheer:

I think this thread is great if peoples actually read it, it will make them realize, well fawk, i'm just one of them lazy asses who does nothing for the sport, maybe i need to start. :clappy:
leadership is key, and good point mike. I think the sport has evolved alot in all aspects....I myself would have never thought about doing some of the things for mentioned, but the more education I have the more invovlement I see being needed. I think the sport is being a little more in the open due the the simple growth, and this brings new eyes to watch over.

I think that the need for a single group to bring all the groups together, bikers, motorcyclists, hikers, 4x4ers...there are a lot of groups out there, rtw works for rieter, isn't there one for walker, evan, elbe? do they ever meet to discuss the current needs of the Offroad comuinty, what about east of the moutains.

I admitt I have a lot to learn and am no leader in any of these areas but am definitly one that would be willing to put forth a large effort in a well planed campaign to help in any way I can.

but where would you start something like this, user education? a politition? local busisness supported activities to grow awarness? Posters?

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