Well-Known Member
Jeepless said:but where would you start something like this, user education? a politition? local busisness supported activities to grow awarness? Posters?
Jeepless said:but where would you start something like this, user education? a politition? local busisness supported activities to grow awarness? Posters?
crash said:Devon---my eyes just melted in my head :;
Bottom line--people need to quit being selfish and have the mindset that somebody else will handle/deal with it..
For instance those of us who have traveled long distances to go wheel. Anybody ever thought what the local users of those areas have gone thru to protect those areas? Probably not....
426rider said:What I think Its going to take to keep these areas open.
-Great not just good relationships with the Forest service and DNR
-Education-For new wheelers but also as important for those that want to do more but are not sure where to start.
-Strong volunteer base- the things that need to be done for this sport cost too much already and no Org. will be able to pay people.
-Confidence and support in an effective Org. so that it will be attractive to get membership to continue to go up with the increase in popularity in the sport.
Now the question is how do we do that. We have the PNW4WDA that is basically for all 4x4 users in the region. Things are not perfect there and will never be, because an org like this needs constant change. However most of the people there have been there for a while and have the attitude that this is how we have always done it. But we need to change that attitude to "what has been is not what needs to be" because what has been is not getting the job done anymore. Wich is evident in the recent closures and cancellations.
In the PNW there are people that are more focused on racing, but there are also people more focused on running simple trails, there are also some that are focused on running the harder trails. The more we support each others interests the more support you will get in your interests.
Now if I asked the question- How many on this one website want to do more to support this sport? I can bet that most would be raising there hands.
Then ask- If you want to do more, do you know what kind of things need to be done specifically? I see alot less hands going up now.
Then- How many of you that don't know what needs to be done are willing to go out and learn for yourself what really needs to be done? even less hands are going up.
My point is to start we need good, strong leaders. I know there are some of you out there that with a little push will pick up something and run with it.
Leaders can get a following that can help do some of the work and then can start to educate those that want to help but don't know what to do. Attending one or two cleanups a year isn't gonna cut it.
Man that was alot more typing than what I had planned when I started. I hope it sounds ok.
Jaydog said:Well, we do live in a Democrat controlled state.WTF difference does that make... Repubs/Demos are all ****ing crooks, they just have different fan clubs :flipoff: