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What's the craziest **** you've eaten?

Growing up poor white trash I ate alot of various "creatures". My dads favorite line was "wheres your knife lets see what this sucker taste like". That being said I have ate robins (yes the birds, cooked in a pie after maw got senile she just clipped wings and legs and plucked left guts in it tasted pretty bad), opposum (trap live and feed light bread for a week to clean out), raccoon (shoot, skin and eat cooked like roast with potatoes and carrots and celery), ground hog (shoot, skin and bake with BBQ sauce), Snapping turtle (caught, usually crossing a road during the spring, placed in half of a 55 gallon drum with about 6" of water and fed table scraps and have the water changed daily until cleaned out usually 2 weeks but as long as you want if you have several turtles) kill by removing head or just tossing into huge boiling pot of water(maw had no compassion and said it was a quick death, old folks is hard) scrape skin off, cut around bottom of shell where the belly plate meets, take out the meat and bread and fry, chitlins (we just ran the water hose through them until clean and soaked in salt water) cut into 6" lengths and fry, carp ( the bony fish) gigged, gutted and ran through a sausage grinder and canned in qt jars(used just like any fish for patties) frogs, squirrels, rabbits, rattle snake, alligator, bear, shark, pig brains............ cant really think of anything else right now. I have a buddy that works at the pound that wants to eat a dog, I refused I cant eat a pet just for fun. Another buddy eats bull nuts and I also draw the line, the dog has to have something to eat LOL!!

LoL I just thought about one!!! Old goat rammed my little sister back in the day dad shot his ass skint him out on our swingset and sold him to the folks down the road after they left pops said haha I got them, I cut the neck short. So then we skinned the neck out all the way up to the back of the head and had a neck roast the next nite for supper. We used to drink fresh milk all the time (goat and cow) if the cow **** and it got in the milk bucket maw would just strain it out after she got done milking and serve it.
Back when I was young and worked at a textile mill for $88/wk, my young wife thought it would be cool to write me a love note and hide it in the balona sandwich she had fixed for my sack lunch. Should have told me it was in there because I ate the ****er and never knew the difference. :eat:
I really want to add something awesome here. I just don't have squat on you guys. I've eaten grub worms out of the yard, meal worms and crickets from the state fair. But those are so dried and salted it was like card board so I can't really count them being crazy.

I really can't add to this thread. I'm weak stomached as they come. Bout the funkiest thang I've eat, is a woman with a foul odor. Didn't stay on it for long either!
Years ago I spent a month in Bolivia high up in the mountains working on a camp for underpriveledged youth. We all took turns doing different chores to maintain everything. Well, on my day to work in the kitchen ( which was a dirt floored and dirt walled structure with the a eucolyptus fired stove) I was handed a knife and told to cut the fat out of the meat and cut the meat into strips. The "knife" was a piece of sheet metal with a eucolyptus handle. After I sharpened it rather well I looked for the meat... It was laying on the floor in the corner, literally. I went to work and after some time I found a ****ing butt hole that I promptly cut around and tossed outside! I'm pretty sure I cut up, cooked, and then ate a dog ass.

tyldyl12 said:
I really can't add to this thread. I'm weak stomached as they come. Bout the funkiest thang I've eat, is a woman with a foul odor. Didn't stay on it for long either!

Thats some funny chit right there. :rolf: :****:

I don't even eat mayo. Im not eating anyting nasty. **** That!!
If it's been fired I'm sure it has to be good. With that being said, seems the older I get the more I "need" coffee. Seen something about civet coffee which is bat poo with coffee beans in it. Think I'll pass on that crap....don't care how you cook it don't want any poop.

pholmann said:
Thats some funny chit right there. :rolf: :****:

I don't even eat mayo. Im not eating anyting nasty. **** That!!

I'm with you here. I can't stand mayo! Strangest thing I've had to eat is probably fish eggs in sushi.

LOL I dropped a hushpuppy in the floor of the truck tonight and promptly picked it up a woofed it down, it grossed my wife out, she said that was soooo nasty. I said you have no idea babe.
Oh holy cow, thanks infamous1, I forgot.

On a super long road trip with a buddy one time we pulled into to Norman oklahoma. We were freakin starvin. My buddy says he'll eat somethin at the gas station. I go get in line at taco bell. I sat for 14 minutes in the line. I get my grilled stuffed burrito and go back to pick up my buddy.

I jump out the truck and set my burrito still in the wrapper on top of the trash can at the station. I unroll it to put fire sauce in and the burrito slides off the trash can, face down on the concrete at the base of the trash can.

I scraped up the burrito off the concrete, rolled it back up and ate it.

I said, no way I'm gettin back in that line to reorder. Lol
Termites in a rainforest in Belize. Had a bit of a minty flavor.

And a Scorpion in the bottom of a tequila bottle.

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Marmite. The nastiest most foul concoction ever invented. No im not an aussie, just dated one for awhile. When the bizarre foods guys tells you it's nasty then you should listen :****:
Re: Re: What's the craziest **** you've eaten?

MikeW74 said:
Marmite. The nastiest most foul concoction ever invented. No im not an aussie, just dated one for awhile. When the bizarre foods guys tells you it's nasty then you should listen :****:
Damn what is it lemur jizz or something?