Yep flame-suit-on for this post...
What'd be the ultimate mall crawler/street cruiser for you??
If I were to have one, I'd go for a 2nd gen 4Runner w/total chaos suspension, clean interior, hittin' system, 5.3L V8 and some 33-35's on black or chrome flatbilla bro-rims.... also with a pit bike rack/or trailer attached.
2nd gen runner because I loved the 93 my dad bought in 94 that I bought from him when I was 16 then drove till I was 19... V8 because the SBC in my 85 green toyota was a blast even if the carbeurator should have been aborted.... bro-rims because I wouldn't take it offroad for anything serious... Keep diffs open... Total chaos suspension for actin a fool but still ride like pimp machine... loud ass system because you gotta be blaring static-X, flatbillin, rockin' prescription spy glasses to keep it real in JOhnson County son.
Anyway that's my fantasy around town rig, what's yours? I know Kelly's is a early 90's chevy/caddi-truck on 18" lift

and Bryan already has his Jax Bch cruza