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Wheeling Tragedy


Still working on that
"Growing Up" thing !!!

Still working on that
"Growing Up" thing !!!
She was a rising star. Eclipsed by doom to early of this world.

Her eyes glimmered with hope and her heart reached far beyond the outstretch of her arms.

She had hopes and dreams of this world that would have shook anyone around her to the sheer enjoyment of their being.

None could stand in contempt as she thrilled with her smile.

The innocence of a child at play as she rode her bombshell to impact.

An impact that sends shockwaves through the wheeling world.

Touching hearts was the name of her game.

If she didn't touch yours it's only because u didn't allow it.

Open your heart. Stop the hate. Race for the Finnish line not hoping for the prize.

Race knowing what's beyond the Finnish line is another race to be ran.

There has surely been shockwaves on the wheeling community. Seems god has dropped this bombshell on us.

RIP Shannon Fox
We are organizing bouncers at the service Saturday to show Shannon and the family support from the rock bouncing community , anyone is welcome the more the better, I will post details about parking as they develope , the family and jerod have requested this, so lets make it happen and make it a celebration for Shannon and jerod ! thumb.gif
Adam Woodlee from WOD just sent me this "I have the parking figured out. We can park 30 to 40 trucks and trailers at 2061 Lascassas Pike Murfreesboro Tn 37130. It huge parking lot in front of All things Possible Bargain center. We talked to the manager there this morning and they said it would be fine. I am working on getting a police escort to and from the parking lot to the funeral home. I feel like it won't be a problem to get that accomplished either. Just let me know a time when you need the escorts. If we need more parking there is a Kroger right across the street from there that I'm sure we could get some trucks and trailers into."
Met and hung out with Jerod and Shannon at rbd....a soul like hers should never be taken away from us...this world is a lesser place without her.
I have been working on getting trailer parking arrangements for Shannon Fox 's memorial service this Saturday. Every one should gather at 2061 Lascassas Pike Murfreeseboro ,Tn 37130. That is the All Things Bargain Center parking lot. They should be able to easily accommodate 30 to 40 trucks and trailers. I am still working on getting a police escort to the funeral home from the parking lot. I should have that done tomorrow. The plan is for every one to show up at 11 am Saturday morning. The police escort will leave the parking lot at 11:50 am and arrive at the funeral home at 12. It is about a 1 mile drive from the parking lot to the funeral home. Then there will be a police escort from the funeral home back to the parking lot at 3pm.
If any thing changes I will post here.
Please every one share this around so any one that wants to bring a buggy can see it.
For those without Facebook:
On behalf of Shannon and Kayla I can't thank everyone enough for the outpouring of love and support for us over the weekend. A big thank you goes out to Ricky Berry, Adam Woodlee, Jim Kirby, Jason Washburn, and Heather-Nate Tucker for making the procession an organized success. I'm sure others were involved, so please share this with them. It was a beautiful thing to see, although I hope we never have to do it again! When I was first approached about doing a buggy procession, my cautious, analytic mind wondered if it could be kept organized, or if was appropriate. Then I heard Shannon in the back of my mind saying "Do it! You only live once!". She really taught me how to come out of my shell and live life to the fullest.

We appreciate so much the flower arrangements everyone sent to the ceremony. Shannon was all girl and loved flowers! All of the handwritten notes were great as well; we read every one of them. Some family and friends traveled 1000+ miles one-way to selflessly be there to honor Shannon the way I tried to every day. I promise that did not go unnoticed. Thank you to all who were unable to attend and sent messages or called to show your support. I know there are more that would like to offer condolences but can't find the right words, I understand and thank you. I apologize for not answering all the calls and messages as they came in, as it's been difficult to form a cohesive sentence on the phone the past week.

The contributions made to the fundraiser have taken a financial burden from Kayla and allowed her to return to PA with me to help get all affairs in order. She knew I didn't need to return alone and would have came anyway, this just takes the worry out of it. Thank you to Little Red Doghouse for taking our four pooches in with no notice and with no idea of how long, all free of charge. Shannon wouldn't trust anyone else to care for them. Thanks to Eva Evans and Jonathan Evans for taking the reins on the funeral arrangements. It was beautiful service that I feel honored her the way she deserved. The funeral home gave us a stack of 'thank you' notes to mail out, but since my family and friends are all on Facebook I'm going to give thanks this way. I hope it's not bad manners.

In closing I would like to share some life lessons and relationship advice I've learned from Shannon and others associated with her: If there's someone you love that you are not on good terms with, squash it! Call them today and hash it out. You can agree to disagree, just let them know how you feel about them. To the guys, there's nothing more macho than telling your woman every day how much you love her. If she feels confident in your relationship, you'll never have to worry. To the girls, just because a woman is beautiful it doesn't mean she knows it. She's probably more insecure than you realize. And she's not responsible for how your man acts when she's around! Shannon could never figure out why so many girls seemed to dislike her when she was always so welcoming. She would say "Hell I'm 42 years old with wrinkles! Why would a 25 year old be mean to me?". It would break her heart. And to everyone else, when you get in your vehicle buckle your seat belt! Not because the government tells you to, but because there is someone who's world would collapse if you don't come home. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to cover everything on my mind.
Prayers still with you, Shannon and family! Keep your head and your faith strong, God will not put anything on you that you can't handle and I believe that's what she would want you to do!
So sorry for your loss, Jerod. Even though I don't know you personally, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Kayla. Peace be with you.
The prosession was amazing ... Very nice seeing the supprt the OffRoad community gave, first class for a first class family :dblthumb: I have some 369 decals and #BombShellAngel stickers that I will send anyone who wishes to sport one on their rig for free, pm me your address