Re: Re: Where are the Women?
Are you kin to this guy? Lol!CHASMAN9 said:I have realized that finding available women from 20-39 is REALLY tough
So this is what we have to go on?
What are you in the market for? Black, white, orange, yellow, green (taste funny) tall, short, real short, carnie size short, 2 legs, 4 legs, chew tobacco, spit tobacco, swallow tobacco, fish, hunt, gatherers, Josh's sister, my sister (don't have one) your sister, your sisters brother( other side of fence) rich, trailer park poor, dirt poor, smart, dumb, high school GED, working, not working, Obama check momma, kids, no kids, baby maker, baby taker, four wheeler, 2 wheeler, 3d wheeler, 5th wheeler, skinny, skinnier, anorexic, balemic, contortionist, cartoonist, phlebotomist, atheist, catholic, pagan, toothed, toothless, dentures(my personal favorite) wheeler dealer, coppa feeler? Give us an idea so the next time I am in the Walmart check out line, I can tell the 350 pound freelance tattoo artist/ bill board in front of me with the cart full of Twinkies and diet Coke in bicycle shorts and tube top, where she can find her dream man at the next NASCAR race![]()