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Who here uses a CPAP?

Holy ****...It would be like sleeping beside Darth Vader.... Hoooooo Perrrrrrr, Hooooo Perrrrrrr... :flipoff1:
I turn and roll a lot. After they put the mask on me during the study, I didn't move. It was a good sleep.

The machine doesn't make much noise at all. Not like the older ones did.

Does it oxygenated the blood, or does it flush the build up of co2 in the blood?

ROKTOY829 said:
Does it oxygenated the blood, or does it flush the build up of co2 in the blood?

As I was originally told, it Oxygenates the blood system by forcing air into the lungs. I guess the outcome would be the same as more oxygen pushes out the CO2. All I know is that my wife tells me that I do not toss and turn like I use to and I have been using it for going on 10 years.
Actually, what the machine does is forces air through your nostrils and down your windpipe to maintain the open airway there by increasing your oxygen level. It's whole purpose is to keep that airway open because the tongue muscle weakens and falls into your airway. That's what causes you to stop breathing and decreases your oxygen intake. When you stop breathing, your brain kicks in and makes you aware/cough to clear it. That's why you don't get a restful sleep. You're constantly fighting to breathe.
Guess I need to have this study done…

Wife says I snore terrible and am restless… worst she says is when I come home from traveling & am really tired.

ROKTOY829 said:
When you guys went for the sleep lab, how was it?

It kind of sucked but definitely worth it. Mine was in a hotel in Nashville where they had a whole floor for the sleep studies.
They hook you up to all kind of wires, I'd suggest being clean shaven for the pads they attach to your face.
Go tired, they wanted me to go to bed around 8 if I remember right. They watch and monitor all night and make adjustments or come in and hook wires back up.
If you are bad enough, they with come in with a CPAP and do the rest of the night with in on and vary the pressure to see what you need. If you are not that bad, the doctor will have to go over the data and decide if you need one. I was so bad they the tech had to wait for the minimum 1 or 2 hours before coming in with the cpap, said it was hard just watching me.

ROKTOY829 said:
When you guys went for the sleep lab, how was it?

Mine was a like a hotel room from the 80's. :****:

Really though, it wasn't bad. Went in at 7:45 pm, got settled, filled out some paperwork and watched a video about sleep apnea. Around 9:30pm the nurse came and hooked all the wires up on me and I went to sleep. Got up about 5:30am, showered, dressed and went to work.

jpony645 said:
Mine was a like a hotel room from the 80's. :****:

Really though, it wasn't bad. Went in at 7:45 pm, got settled, filled out some paperwork and watched a video about sleep apnea. Around 9:30pm the nurse came and hooked all the wires up on me and I went to sleep. Got up about 5:30am, showered, dressed and went to work.

I went through the same thing. They came in about midnight and put it on me.
I had to take another test the following day to test for narcolepsy. I am more prone to be affected by my narcolepsy than I am apnea. The test for it was cool too, 4 1 hour naps to see how fast and long you go into REM sleep. Most folks make it to the second nap then quit and just don't sleep or sleep lightly. I made it to deep sleep all 4 naps then they let me take another and I hit deep sleep in it as well. The apnea test was fine it was that test that sucked!

It will suck for me then. I don't go to sleep till around 11:30. Plus I don't sleep good at unfamiliar places.

ROKTOY829 said:
It will suck for me then. I don't go to sleep till around 11:30. Plus I don't sleep good at unfamiliar places.

They say they have a home test now may want to check on that.
money_pit_yj said:
I had to take another test the following day to test for narcolepsy. I am more prone to be affected by my narcolepsy than I am apnea. The test for it was cool too, 4 1 hour naps to see how fast and long you go into REM sleep. Most folks make it to the second nap then quit and just don't sleep or sleep lightly. I made it to deep sleep all 4 naps then they let me take another and I hit deep sleep in it as well. The apnea test was fine it was that test that sucked!
How would a narcoleptic react to the 4 nap test? I have trouble waking up and getting out of bed in the morning, but I attribute that to staying up late. However, I have very interesting dreams in the morning that are a mix of reality and nonsense, like my pillow has instructed me to sleep more, or my dog and I conversing, etc.

LandSpeeder said:
Is that where they come in your home and watch you sleep?
"I'm going to bed... you good??"

LOL not sure it works like that but if she looked like the girl who was working when I had my test she would be welcome to stay :cougar: flashemifyougotem