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Why are all truck drivers big pieces of ****?


Bypass Crawler
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Lenoir City, TN

Anyway.....are alot of truck drivers oblivious to modern GPS usage? At work I have at least 3 or 4 truck drivers not able to find delivery/pickup destinations. Young, old....not age common denominator .

I'll punch the address in on my phone and it pops right up and they're like OOOOOH, I SEE NOW. :wtf:
Why do truck drivers know that their truck is governed at still try to pass on a 2 lane highway?
Also, why won't the truck in the right lane getting passed adjust their speed slightly to let the other truck get around?
Why when a cap blows off a tire the truck driver NEVER attempts to get it out of the middle of the road? Saw a brand new Mercedes get the entire front of her car town off on last weekend due to one.
tonybolton said:

Anyway.....are alot of truck drivers oblivious to modern GPS usage? At work I have at least 3 or 4 truck drivers not able to find delivery/pickup destinations. Young, old....not age common denominator .

I'll punch the address in on my phone and it pops right up and they're like OOOOOH, I SEE NOW. :wtf:
and some of the ones that do use GPS don't realise they need a GPS for trucking and not just a regular GPS.
Say what you want, while driving around them I trust them a whole lot more than 90% of the cars out there....They are a lot more predictable as long as they can see you.
A few bad apples on the driving etiquette part but so are regular car folk.

I would just figure that a GPS tool....a GOOD one would be like a tool of the trade in that job. I mean, does a roofer show up with just a screwdriver?
Man, I believe I think about this at least once a week. We have material delivered to our job sites weekly and every damn time, I get a call from some truck driver wanting me to "explain" how to get there.

OR, we have roads closed with detour signs up and some ass hat driver wants to drive through the job, cussing us out because the road is closed and he doesn't know how to get to his destination otherwise.

I've talked to drivers on the phone who didn't know the difference between north and south, east and west. Completely lost trying to find us.

I've actually asked them if they had GPS or at least a smart phone so that I could give them directions and they act like I'm speaking Chinese.

As you can tell, drivers who don't know how to navigate are one of my pet peeves.
1TONTJ said:
Man, I believe I think about this at least once a week. We have material delivered to our job sites weekly and every damn time, I get a call from some truck driver wanting me to "explain" how to get there.

OR, we have roads closed with detour signs up and some ass hat driver wants to drive through the job, cussing us out because the road is closed and he doesn't know how to get to his destination otherwise.

I've talked to drivers on the phone who didn't know the difference between north and south, east and west. Completely lost trying to find us.

I've actually asked them if they had GPS or at least a smart phone so that I could give them directions and they act like I'm speaking Chinese.

As you can tell, drivers who don't know how to navigate are one of my pet peeves.

Our address here at the plant, is on a major 4 lane highway. depending on which system you are using, will determine how close it will get you. The closest I have seen anyone get using GPS is approx. 3/4 mile. The first question I get from drivers making deliveries here is the address, I have to tell them it will not get them here. Some will listen, but most wont, so I always get a call back.
1TONTJ said:
Man, I believe I think about this at least once a week. We have material delivered to our job sites weekly and every damn time, I get a call from some truck driver wanting me to "explain" how to get there.

OR, we have roads closed with detour signs up and some ass hat driver wants to drive through the job, cussing us out because the road is closed and he doesn't know how to get to his destination otherwise.

I've talked to drivers on the phone who didn't know the difference between north and south, east and west. Completely lost trying to find us.

I've actually asked them if they had GPS or at least a smart phone so that I could give them directions and they act like I'm speaking Chinese.

As you can tell, drivers who don't know how to navigate are one of my pet peeves.

This is EGGS-ZACK-ERY what i'm talking about!!!

My "explain to me where this place is" directions are:

Get off interstate, take a right at the end.
Go straight till 2nd stoplight, turn left.
Drive until you see the ONLY BUILDING on your left in a big ass field.
Turn left at end of building.
My biggest truck driver pet peeve is they ALWAYS seem to show up at lunch time. Then they call and get pissy because my guys aren't there...
Well well well. First I will say the trucking industry as whole has gone to ****, old guys retired when the eld mandate took effect and there's a massive driver shortage so companies will hire and heartbeat that can pass a drug test, it's absolutely pathetic out here with the professionalism I see, truck drivers think they are driving they're Hyundai out here whipping in and out of traffic and holding everybody up that's faster. Between millennials and foreigners and I hate to say but black dudes, they can't drive to save their ass, damn solar powered trucks have truck stops packed at 7pm.

But to Tony's rant. A standard gps or phone gps will not cut it in a big truck, they will screw you big time, he'll have the big truck gps are junk, it's a shame a good one will cost 600 bucks. That's robbery to me. My company provides one in our Qualcomm computer but it's a pile of garbage too and as far as job sites goes, they don't have addresses usually so gps won't bring em up. I prefer good old hand written directions
But I agree. Most Truck drivers are big **** bags

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DrankinInTheWoods said:
Why when a cap blows off a tire the truck driver NEVER attempts to get it out of the middle of the road? Saw a brand new Mercedes get the entire front of her car town off on last weekend due to one.
Sounds like the Mercedes shoulda had eyes on the road and not their phone . Would you walk out in the middle of a interstate and risk your life? There's a lot of people killed every year by just pulling off highway and getting out to do something.

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Zjman said:
Sounds like the Mercedes shoulda had eyes on the road and not their phone . Would you walk out in the middle of a interstate and risk your life? There's a lot of people killed every year by just pulling off highway and getting out to do something.

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Yes, if something flies off my truck I will make every attempt to get it out of the road to make sure no one hits it. Saw a guy nail a ladder in the middle of the road on a motorcycle when I was younger...
.....aaand the drive home....
DrankinInTheWoods said:
Yes, if something flies off my truck I will make every attempt to get it out of the road to make sure no one hits it. Saw a guy nail a ladder in the middle of the road on a motorcycle when I was younger...
That's easily done in a pick up but a semi won't stop on a dime and then finding a spot to pull over. Could be a mile down road from that gator. And ladders are the #1 thing that comes off vehicles and mattresses are second lol

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Man I thought this was going to be about how truck drivers jobs are the first to go with Electric Vehicle, automated driving and AI technology... :middal fangers:

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Re: Re: Why are all truck drivers big pieces of ****?

mrdrinksalil said:
Man I thought this was going to be about how truck drivers jobs are the first to go with Electric Vehicle, automated driving and AI technology... :middal fangers:

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Are you voting for that ching chong guy that's screaming doom and gloom and gonna give every American a check for basic needs? Andrew Yang, I think? I listened to the JRE podcast with him, that guy is a ****ing idiot.

The thing I can't stand is the uphill/downhill 67mph vs 66.9mph drag race. I followed a truck trying to pass from exit 59 to exit 49 on 75 S in Ky one time. When he FINALLY got over, I passed him and saw it was a camel ****er, I... umm... well, I better not incriminate myself. Let's just say he probably **** himself, which most likely improved his odor.

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And I quit my job at a local trailer repair facility back in November where I was the shop foreman. One of the main reasons I left was foreigners. They'd come in, want their ****ING JUNK fixed right now, half assed, and for dirt cheap. There was one gook that came in, looked just like that slope from Bloodsport, big as **** and everything. I raped him a little because it was a drive-in and we had to pull a local repair out to get his in, and he says, "I not pay dis!" and even bucked on me a little. I was about to kill that motherfucker when my boss told me to go park the yard dog under his trailer and he'll take care of it.

I've seen some **** in that business. I saw 4 chinks pile out of a single truck, I've seen seiks that come into the front office and we'd have to open all the doors because the smell would knock you down, I had to tell the same aforementioned chink to "READ THE SIGN, GET THE **** OUT OF MY SHOP!" because he can't read the insurance sign, one haji brought in a car hauler, I FILLED a legal pad top to bottom with all the **** he asked to get done, told him it's AT LEAST 40 hours of work here at $93/hr, he said it was fine, then bitched about the price til my spineless boss cut the price literally in half... man, I HAD TO quit that job or I was gonna have to start hiding bodies that nobody will look for or miss.

****ing foreigners, man...

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