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Why did GROWING get locked?

I do not think the threads should be deleted. Clean up what is needed (threats, personal insults, etc. Put a tag line that it was altered by an admin. I have been doing this interent **** for many years and have had this problem often. On UseNet, there are no admins, you cannot ban. I had rather try and get along poking fun at him and let him know we are laughing AT him, not with him. We do not know who it is, or how stable his character is. We do not know the other boards he frequents. I had rather go into Morris Mountains SRR talking and sparring, rather than someone comming up to me all pissed off because I have a Hardline shirt on. You ban him, he will not forget. He will get back on, period. Worst case is to buy a cheap dial up account that changes the IP every logon. So, he can really be a **** for only $9.95 a month.

I may be the lone ranger on NOT banning him, but I have done this all before.
Any create a member or adimn board where all post that are altered or deleted reside. Don't actually delete, that way it can be brought back if needed. Call the board "Deep Six"
Speeding said:
Mod forum created and post moved. Good idea.

Whatever. That is NOT what I said.

Quote: I do not think the threads should be deleted. Clean up what is needed (threats, personal insults, etc. Put a tag line that it was altered by an admin.
John Galbreath Jr. said:
Whatever. That is NOT what I said.

Quote: I do not think the threads should be deleted. Clean up what is needed (threats, personal insults, etc. Put a tag line that it was altered by an admin.

I read it wrong, I thought in your second post you suggested moving the threads to another place.
I personally don't care for his remarks and presence, I think making fun back at him makes us look as dumb as him. We had a lot of good traction and new members lately, and I don't care about wrecking our progress over the sake of not banning some dipshit. His presence will run people off that don't have time to sort through his BS. This is not a forum that we cannot regulate and moderate, it just has to happen. Cleaning up his posts are a PITA and require more time that it is worth. John, thanks for inspiring Ricky "create a new forum" Berry to create anothere fawking forum :flipoff1:
I didnt lock anything :dunno: Who all can lock stuff ???

( I havent banned or done anything, just threatened LOL )
What do ya mean ?

personally I dont give a damn thumb.gif The interweb isnt worth getting worked up over laughing1
I agree with John,keep the post open. I used to frequent Peak Empires board and they had a squable with southern jeeps. Southern Jeeps erased all threads and Peak did not. This accomplished a couple of things it showed SJ that Peak wasn't afraid to stand by their word and that if you post on their board it would not get deleted, plus Peak gained access to their private chat room and started posting what SJ was saying behind Peaks back. After a couple of days or so SJ quit arguing and just lurked in the corner. If you start erasing threads and banning people it looks like Hardline is trying to cover up mistakes they made. Keep the threads open, then your standing up to the bully and not backing down. You hardline guys have alot of respect in the fourwheelin world, ya'll wheel hard and your rigs are proven and built by ya'll, and that says alot. If these characters wrecking the threads don't post who they are and keep hiding behind some screen name then all they will ever be is some name on a board. I'm all for calling them out Pirate Style.
Brad or Prez!!!! I agree with what he said 110%. This place is tits, the guys on the board are tits, and the rigs that are owned by guys in this group are tits. We should be proud of that and what this board has come to be. Assclowns need to be waterboarded!
Oh yeah, what Brad said!
I know I know... but I thought you guys might like to see this vid.
That bitch is long. See I just dont get that stuff. Now whats he got to hit thats a challenge?