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why do u sticky tire jackwagons runs stickys?

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InDaShop said:
wtf is this abortion of douchebaggery going on in here? It wreaks of man on man sex, seriously add some value around here.
And for liking dark chocaolate, come on over, I'll drop a hedgehog down your throat! :****:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :puke:
most people take what is said on here to much to heart, I for one (most time) just like to mess with people, I've never meet a stranger and will cut up with most any one, so alot of the **** you read that don't mean anything to you is got a nother group of people falling over. I've posted stuff that I should not have at times, I try to make it right just by being a bigger ****, I read alot of post on here about you guys messing with each other that seems to boar the **** out of me but knowing in the back of my head you guys know the complete story and I think this is part of what makes this board work, if you only post the boaring **** we live every day most would never even log on.

One of these is with MATT O, if you read what he and I post back an forth to each other you would think if we ever meet it's going to be some kind of old west shoot out, but truly I've only seen him a few times on the trail, do I like him? don't know never been around him but I know he is easy to mess with and he'll get all pissy so I play along, but if I had something he needed to help him get his **** out of the woods I'd have no trouble with helping him and would hope that most of you would do the same for me or any one for that matter

so as the story goes, can't we all just get along
One of these is with MATT O, if you read what he and I post back an forth to each other you would think if we ever meet it's going to be some kind of old west shoot out, but truly I've only seen him a few times on the trail, do I like him? don't know never been around him but I know he is easy to mess with and he'll get all pissy so I play along, but if I had something he needed to help him get his **** out of the woods I'd have no trouble with helping him and would hope that most of you would do the same for me or any one for that matter

so as the story goes, can't we all just get along

I agree and when I was in need of a trailer Kingsnake was the first to offer his up and we really don't even know each other. Based on our posts you would think we hated each other. I have pretty thick skin and I like to give people ****. Forming an opinion on someone from posts on this board is just stupid. This board has been around a long time, from Trailwerx, Hardline Custom, and now Hardline Crawlers. It has always been a place to stir **** up and talk some ****, but if you were not here from the start you may not know that and get upset pretty easily. A lot of funny **** has happened here, like the time we all changed our avatar's to Tarzan and changed Ricky's also, or Blacksheep train of thought threads, or old school what P had for breakfast and picture of his morning ****, or everyone wanting to beat up Cole over the RTC buggy, etc.
so what we'er saying here is if you don't like the game, get your football bat and go home, we know some people that know some people that will buy us a new one, well at race car drive discounts anyway
InDaShop said:
get a room you two queers
are you talking about Kingsnake ( The snake fighting QUEER ) ?
( also known as sword fighting)
( or **** bumping )
Matt O. said:
I agree and when I was in need of a trailer Kingsnake was the first to offer his up and we really don't even know each other. Based on our posts you would think we hated each other. I have pretty thick skin and I like to give people ****. Forming an opinion on someone from posts on this board is just stupid. This board has been around a long time, from Trailwerx, Hardline Custom, and now Hardline Crawlers. It has always been a place to stir **** up and talk some ****, but if you were not here from the start you may not know that and get upset pretty easily. A lot of funny **** has happened here, like the time we all changed our avatar's to Tarzan and changed Ricky's also, or Blacksheep train of thought threads, or old school what P had for breakfast and picture of his morning ****, or everyone wanting to beat up Cole over the RTC buggy, etc.

well matt o id have to say u came off as a **** to me when i met u but after this uve typed i respect ya a lil more but ima still **** with ya have a nice day

that must be why you never look in a mirror............. fag


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I'm kinda glad he did. It was good to remember Randy with my morning coffee! I miss him more on the trail than anyone I can think of. :****:
Re: Re: why do u sticky tire jackwagons runs stickys?

You're right, I to miss ole Randy :(
R.I.P buddy
kushKrawlin said:
Dam he die? Or just out of the sport? If he died, then wellshilloffroad, u r a ****. If not, still seem like a ding dong toucher. :spin:

He passed away almost a year ago.
These old ass threads are funny. Never got to meet Kingsnake (Randy), but damn he sure made an impact on a lot of folks in the offroad world.
TacomaJD said:
These old ass threads are funny. Never got to meet Kingsnake (Randy), but damn he sure made an impact on a lot of folks in the offroad world.
Yes he did ;)
TacomaJD said:
These old ass threads are funny. Never got to meet Kingsnake (Randy), but damn he sure made an impact on a lot of folks in the offroad world.

He was a fine guy. I met him hanging out by boat ramp one day. Took an hr before I figured out he just got the twisted 40 built. To hear him it was a simple build.