I've wondered this about OTHER people in this hobby for a while. I understand everyone is different and has different situations but the ones i'm always left shaking my head and dropping the WTF are:
-Constantly repairing your rig/vehicle(not upgrading, REPAIRING/FIXING) This is fun???
-Riding in shitty weather just to be riding. Why? You don't goto the beach when it snows(insert some .000000001353% joke of people that do).
-Building a rig for 1+year. Seriously.....and also see next reason below
-Selling after minimal to 0 use? Is this why everyone says its better to BUY than BUILD? Not talking about 3500 crap box XJ's. I'm talkin 20+grand stuff
-Bad day wheeling / better than good day at work? Maybe if you're a roofer...in Texas...while being shot at.
I hate to say it, but when I bought my rig from Jessie on here(...thanks again, I still love this rig) this thing has damn near been a good INVESTMENT for me. Coming up on 6 or 7 years with this rig and only real money spent in those times has been 4 tires and an atlas. I enjoy just one hand on the steering wheel drivin' over stuff and not having to think or worry about ****.
All I do M-F is process numbers, risk analysis, logistics, babysit adults, fix electronic issues and try to save a penny or 3 on distribution product. Most times stressful but manageable. I enjoy not having people depend on me or needing to think. Same ingredients as my other hobbies.
As long as I can balance the below equation, i'm good.
Stress+inconvenience+people = money+quality of life+free time
If anyone has ever seen the movie "The Accountant" with Ben Afleck, that's basically me....except poorer..... and I can't fight or shoot that good.