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WITC - SRRS Buggy Race - August 4, 2012

Little teaser picture until I can sort the rest of the 1,900 shots from two shoots this weekend...

Looky here, these drivers i watched saterday don't have to take a back seat in the driving dept to anybody! Dennis Anderson ain't got nothing on these guys and gals one hellava good show. you got a good thing started.hell I talked to a couple from mo.
Big thanks to everyone that came out to support SRRS. Even in the rain. Drivers put on a great show, spectators had a good time, and the media guys will have lots of photos/videos for us to enjoy. The girls started putting the pressure on when we got to Flipper. Shelby Tanner and Lori Shirley were the only 2 to make it up Flipper on the first round. Congrats to Justin Tune for taking the win this weekend. Jordan Tanner had 2nd and Shelby Tanner took 3rd. The complete results are updated here.

Had great time good meetin everyone Jeremy u put on a hell of an event can't wait for the one in Arkansas was wantn to play around with everyone but broke my rear driveshaft on the left side of the ledges amazing how nice everyone was special thanks to the ole boy in the rockwelled jeep :dblthumb: and ridered3 if u was taken pictures of my **** u could've said hey asshole just ****n with u
Action was great for the event! I hated that I missed most of Flipper due to having to leave early.

I saw several of the buggies and rigs that have been posted on here, but can't put a face with screen name.

I think it would be cool to have a semi-organized Hardline Meet and Greet at events such as this since there were so many of us in attendance. What do ya'll think?
Had great time good meetin everyone Jeremy u put on a hell of an event can't wait for the one in Arkansas was wantn to play around with everyone but broke my rear driveshaft on the left side of the ledges amazing how nice everyone was special thanks to the ole boy in the rockwelled jeep :dblthumb: and ridered3 if u was taken pictures of my **** u could've said hey asshole just ****n with u

I took the picture from across the road. The group I was riding with said I had already had too much social time with my "Hardline friends." Plus I wouldn't be able to pick half of the people on this forum out of a lineup unless they had their screen names or rigs held in front of them. :****:
Re: Re: Re: WITC - SRRS Buggy Race - August 4, 2012

ridered3 said:
I took the picture from across the road. The group I was riding with said I had already had too much social time with my "Hardline friends." :****:

??? It was your idea to hurry up and get to the first hill? :****:
Halcat here Ntidwell I'm the one who helped you break your driveshaft.checked on your tires. Durometer says your tires read 52 which is soft. My mickeys are 68 which is a lot harder.I guess I'll be looking for a set of pit bull rockers when $ comes in.maybe we can ride again soon
it was a great day and good turn out had fun as always at [[[[WITC]]]
LOOKING FORWORD TO the 15th at the sidexside race there
ridered3 said:
Good picture of Lori at the wheel:

Is this Dibble's old rig?

I like the Picture of Lori and the sticker on her helmet says exactly what she was thinking at the time.

No that isn't Dibbles old rig, that buggy is way bigger than his was
halcat said:
Halcat here Ntidwell I'm the one who helped you break your driveshaft.checked on your tires. Durometer says your tires read 52 which is soft. My mickeys are 68 which is a lot harder.I guess I'll be looking for a set of pit bull rockers when $ comes in.maybe we can ride again soon
Yes it was good meetin u hope to go riden with u again maybe my **** will hold together hope u can make the ride in Arkansas when ur ready to get a set of pitbulls let me know I might be able to get them cheaper
Cole said:
I like the Picture of Lori and the sticker on her helmet says exactly what she was thinking at the time.

No that isn't Dibbles old rig, that buggy is way bigger than his was

Gotcha. I knew it had similar lines to his old one, but I had never seen it in person for comparisons sake. It made for a heck of a recovery rig though!

What was the carnage report from the event?
Re: Re: Re: WITC - SRRS Buggy Race - August 4, 2012

Cole said:
I like the Picture of Lori and the sticker on her helmet says exactly what she was thinking at the time.

Yea man, for being Dwaynes first time to a comp, he got some damn good pictures.

Helmet sticker definitely sums it up! :molaugh
Thats not Dan Dibbles old rig. Dibbles cheverlet would school this ford with its rookie driver. booyang
Wow, what an action packed high flying weekend of Rock Bouncing!
I just want to say thank you to everyone that attended this event to support your local hometown wheelers and all the those who traveled several hours to be part of this event. Wheelin in the country is an awesome park for rock bouncing. They can accommodate a huge crowd (1268 in attendance this weekend) and have the staff and equipment on hand to handle injuries, recovery, and to de-fuse any bad situations that may arise. They even had a life flight chopper there with several EMTs just incase. We did have one foot injury and the last word i got on that was that his foot was possibly broken, i pray that isnt case.
We couldnt do these events for everyone if not for the support of the sponsors and also from the park owners willing to go above and beyond to set things up for us to have a successful event. Darren, the park owner, went the extra mile to prep the hills we wanted to run. He turned Twister III into an insanely extreme hill. We really would have loved to use it but 3 riigs broke on it Friday evening and they didnt event get 40 feet into it, we had 23 rigs racing and there was no way we could run that many rigs twice and still have time to run another hill. I got to meet several new people and made alot of new friends. It was a pleasure meeting Darren, his wife, and all the other staff at witc. This was by far our biggest event to date. I look forward to our next event and hope we get the same kind of support for the final 2 races of the year, we will be paying out $10,000 for the sxs winner and $10,000 to the buggy winner and also $1000 to the winner of that days event. It will be Epic Beatdowns for sure!
Thanks to MadRam11 Busted Knuckle and ricky B for making it possible for those unable to be there to experience the action we got to see in person this weekend.

I also wanted to thank the park for letting us do a race on Horse Power Hill. They really put a lot of work into prepping that hill. The rain Saturday only made it better. The park put $1,000 for the fastest person to the top, and Jordan Tanner barely squeezed out a win over the competition against Bobby Tanner and several others that gave it a run, we even talked Adam Woodlee from Wide Open Designs into getting in on the action. I havent watched any videos from that yet, but it sure was fun to watch, they were flat out gettin up that hill! It wasnt part of the SRRS series, it was just something we wanted to do to add another level of excitement to the weekend.
Thanks again, from the 3 of us from Southern Rock Racing.
Jeremy Forsyth
Clyde Bynum
Reuben Sidhu