Little teaser picture until I can sort the rest of the 1,900 shots from two shoots this weekend...

NTIDWELL said:Had great time good meetin everyone Jeremy u put on a hell of an event can't wait for the one in Arkansas was wantn to play around with everyone but broke my rear driveshaft on the left side of the ledges amazing how nice everyone was special thanks to the ole boy in the rockwelled jeepand ridered3 if u was taken pictures of my **** u could've said hey asshole just ****n with u
ridered3 said:I took the picture from across the road. The group I was riding with said I had already had too much social time with my "Hardline friends." :****:
ridered3 said:Good picture of Lori at the wheel:
Is this Dibble's old rig?
Yes it was good meetin u hope to go riden with u again maybe my **** will hold together hope u can make the ride in Arkansas when ur ready to get a set of pitbulls let me know I might be able to get them cheaperhalcat said:Halcat here Ntidwell I'm the one who helped you break your driveshaft.checked on your tires. Durometer says your tires read 52 which is soft. My mickeys are 68 which is a lot harder.I guess I'll be looking for a set of pit bull rockers when $ comes in.maybe we can ride again soon
Cole said:I like the Picture of Lori and the sticker on her helmet says exactly what she was thinking at the time.
No that isn't Dibbles old rig, that buggy is way bigger than his was
Cole said:I like the Picture of Lori and the sticker on her helmet says exactly what she was thinking at the time.