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Women’s hobbies

Re: Women€™s hobbies

Neal3000 said:
Dude i was just about to post the same thing, mine started with embroidery, and now has a silhouette machine (that makes stickers and heat press stickers) and she has more than paid for all of it by selling to co-workers etc.

Those things are like a CNC plasma for women.

Makes it real easy to personalize gifts for people that you don't want to spend money on too! Win win

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easleycrawler said:
Just wondering, how many of us would be in the dog house, if our wives read this. Lol
Mine logs in here all the time......
tonybolton said:
It's not about not spending time with her.....its about being able to breathe.

I think it's part of my only child syndrome. I like doing things when I want to. I don't depend on others to navigate my life.
Me and mine are both only childs. We both do whatever we want when we want. She knows if I feel strongly about something I'm gonna do it no matter what she thinks. I talk to her and about stuff like I would any of you. I'd she don't like it she can :gtfo:
easleycrawler said:
Just wondering, how many of us would be in the dog house, if our wives read this. Lol

I was wondering how many in here actually like their wives ?? Lmao
Re: Women€™s hobbies

My wife has access to Hardline, she reads stuff from time to time. She could care less and knows that I don't care who's around if it's something I want to say.

Prime example: when I worked at the store and would comment to women that would come into the store. If they smelled nice or their hair looked different, I'd tell them. It wasn't creepy, but I would tell them in a nice, customer service type way. Multiple times, they would say that if my wife was there, I wouldn't say those type things. Multiple times, I turned to my wife and asked her directly, "if you were here, would I say the same thing?" Shut the women right up and proved a point.

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dwa2469 said:
I was wondering how many in here actually like their wives ?? Lmao

If you think about it, it's not really that funny. The majority of "wife threads" end with a majority of guys complaining about how their wife always wants to know where they are, bust their balls about this and complains about that and doesn't give it up and blah, blah, blah. What if it is actually the guys that are crappy husbands? The way guys talk about their wives makes me think they could care less about them. What if there was a spinoff thread about how awesome your wife was? I probably look at it a little different but if I am willing to die for my wife, why would I talk about her even joking? Imaking fun of her for burning bicuits is one thing but some of you guys either have terrible wives or you just exhagerate. I'm sure you can dig through my posts and find somewhere I've done it to, but that don't make it right by any means.

Rant over, carry on. I'm gonna go eat a burnt biscuit now.
Mine is a graphic designer. Her main hobbies revolve around that. Some freelance work for extra cash when she wants, crafting random ****, painting etc. She also cooks. Not like "yeah bitch get in the kitchen thats your job" ****. Like she enjoys the hell out of it and is good at it too. We both kayak fish and shoot together. Other than that she leaves me alone when I'm in the garage prepping the bike or in the gun room cleaning or doing whatever and I do the same when shes in her craft room. Works well.
This is an interesting thread. I had wondered too about the "why are y'all even together?" thing on several of these posts too.

As for my wife, I wish she would find a hobby. She isn't up my ass all the time, but watching our two boys and carrying the third, she doesn't do anything for herself. I beg her to go do something on a Saturday and leave the boys with me but she'd rather hang out with me (beats the hell out of me as to why, I'm kind of an asshole).

She doesn't love wheeling and building a rig, but goes along and has a good time anyway on the rare occasions we go. When I do get to work on the rig it wouldn't bother me if she wanted to come out and help.

I guess all families are different - her and I just spend more time together than some.
Markrobinson said:
This is an interesting thread. I had wondered too about the "why are y'all even together?" thing on several of these posts too.

I guess all families are different - her and I just spend more time together than some.

We look at it as a quality over quantity thing. We don't FORCE time to be with one another. When we do things together it's usually something that has all the planets lined up just right and we go do it. Cades Cove / Townsend....really nice place to eat that's not just down the road....random drive to see where a road goes....take Dad's Cuda out to local gatherings / drives...Bald River falls...

I've thought about giving her my Bypass Crawler and picking up some tube-thing but as much as I hate working on stuff....I don't need to hit 88mph to know the future of where that'd go.

She doesn't like driving fast, so when I go do hood rat **** in the Mustang with some buddies at Devils Triangle / Dragons Back.....she's got no problem finding other things to do.
My wife is my best friend. We literally do everything together and have for nearly 14 years. Apparently I need constant supervision and somebody to tell me I told you so when I do stupid things. It works out surprisingly well.
...and now that you got me thinking about it, we are about due for one the "WE NEVER DO ANYTHING TOGETHER" arguments. I'm a pretty analytical type of person(it's my job), so I'm pretty good at plotting / forecasting these things. She's very predictable. So we'll prolly go look at Christmas lights or some other gay **** that hopefully i'll find somebody to race in the car.

Usually happens between these major holidays, my birthday; February(which every year I request to just be left alone), and 2 weeks before her birthday in October.

We're also getting close to the "I'm tired of eating leftovers" argument, so we'll most likely go to Hot Rods Diner in Maryville which will be something she can put on Facebook and also give my buddies something to call me a ****** over, or some derogatory comment when they see it. :)

I have a plan for most things. I think she's only won a handful of arguments against me in our entire existence together. When logic is on my side, its a steep hill for her to climb.
I've been married going on 26 years and I'll never say I don't lover her. I can't imagine not being married to her. After that many years we don't do most day to day things together....She does her thing and I do mine. Sure we don't talk as much as we used to...But we also don't fight about things we used to....We do throw down every once in a while for old times sake. Were more like old friends at this point...I know her and she knows me.
Re: Women€™s hobbies

I was not complaining about my woman at all, my woman is the best person I have ever met in my life besides my mom, she doesn't make a lot of money cause she does home health and it's her passion to take take care of the elderly and she goes above and beyond her job duties, she works her ass off, she is simply a loving compassionate person, I am the total opposite, we have been together off and on for 10 years and we have lived a hour apart till last month when I bought a new house for us, she don't like me drinking too much but she deals with it, she loves to go riding with me but I never take her on long trips, I tell her are you gonna get out and spot and pull cable if needed, can you hand me the tools I ask for, nope, so I take my brother, she has her quirks and I have mine, that's what makes us people, we also have a 4 year old grandson and he's with us every weekend and has become both our hobbies lol.

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ForMud said:
Were more like old friends at this point...I know her and she knows me.

Like a good ol pair o' socks with a hole at a toe.....you jus know which foot it goes on so the little toe don't pop out. ;)

You can click on the link......nothing gross. Just mass ownage of an EMPOWERED female. LOL