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Would you???

THECR8 said:
See, there is someone else just blowing smoke, I've been here for several years. Do your research.

Your join date was January 2013....that's a couple years, not several. Are you ****ing 16 years old or something? I would really understand your incompetence and lack of pride if you were indeed a young teeny bopper.
jeeptj99 said:
First the batmobil thread now this one. :popcorn:

I wonder if batman changed his name again and is looking for more attention.

Nope, not according to the IP address and email.
FYI, I did no post this here, and I need nobody's approval or attention. Your man Eddie choose to initiate the conversation when we he should have just hit "unfriend".
And I assure you, I can hold my own, so have at it, you ain't gonna hurt my feelings
jeeptj99 said:
First the batmobil thread now this one. :popcorn:

I wonder if batman changed his name again and is looking for more attention.

I was gonna read all the comments before I said the same thing....lmao
Do people not work for their money anymore? or save up for what they want? The next generation is absolutely fawked :****:
THECR8 said:
FYI, I did no post this here, and I need nobody's approval or attention. Your man Eddie choose to initiate the conversation when we he should have just hit "unfriend".

Too bad there isn't a government handout for tires. And I'm sure with 4 kids, a wife in college, and the gall to ask for recreational tire money, the rest of us have already been funding the federal gofundme account with our tax dollars that I'm sure you are taking advantage of.

I can't think of anything other than stealing that would depict someone anymore less of a man than asking for money to fund a hobby. You know that people on the internet are good hearted as a whole when it comes to donating, and that if you concocted a bullshit story that sounded good enough, you could probably squeeze enough money out of them to buy tires with THEIR money. I just think you are a crooked piece of ****. No self-respecting man asks for money for anything to fund a damn hobby. It'd even be more legible if you were asking for money to cover a $300 set of tires for your Honda Civic so you could get back and forth to your job, in order to continue supporting your family. But that's not the case....

I'm glad my man Eddie started this thread....people tiptoe around on Facebook, but not here....so **** you and all that you stand for. *****.
TacomaJD said:
Too bad there isn't a government handout for tires. And I'm sure with 4 kids, a wife in college, and the gall to ask for recreational tire money, the rest of us have already been funding the federal gofundme account with our tax dollars that I'm sure you are taking advantage of.

I can't think of anything other than stealing that would depict someone anymore less of a man than asking for money to fund a hobby. You know that people on the internet are good hearted as a whole when it comes to donating, and that if you concocted a bullshit story that sounded good enough, you could probably squeeze enough money out of them to buy tires with THEIR money. I just think you are a crooked piece of ****. No self-respecting man asks for money for anything to fund a damn hobby. It'd even be more legible if you were asking for money to cover a $300 set of tires for your Honda Civic so you could get back and forth to your job, in order to continue supporting your family. But that's not the case....

I'm glad my man Eddie started this thread....people tiptoe around on Facebook, but not here....so **** you and all that you stand for. *****.

I'm with you on this. If some trys and is still struggling hell i'll help them any way I can i'll pick them up and take their ass to work if I have to. But asking for donations to fund a hobby? I hope your kids turn out better than their dad.
BS Metal said:
Is this what we are teaching your kids. So do your kids get a allowance for doing chores or do they set up a gofundme.

Actually, my kids work on commission, they don't work, they don't get paid. They also NEVER see their parents use a credit card. I never said I didn't have the money, this is no different than a small time dirt track guy having a few stickers on his car from people that "Helped Him Out". Geez, hatred is so easily spewed in our society these days. Ha ha, you guys go home and can't talk to your wives like this so you come here to be big boys and knock others down just because they are not like you. But I bet you demand that propel tolerate your foul language and use of debt to fund your hobbies.

Hey look, just because you don't have a ball sack big enough to do it don't make it wrong. I am sure all of you have some values that I would disagree with.
JohnG, Ban this mother fu*ker! I know technically he has done nothing "wrong", but the world is full of handout getting government fund wasting sacks of ****.... We don't want or need him here :****:
The great thing about America, sir, is that you are entitled to that opinion.

And I usually find that kids unplug the game when they are loosing and you guys have no right to kick me out of here.
THECR8 said:
The great thing about America, sir, is that you are entitled to that opinion.

And I usually find that kids unplug the game when they are loosing and you guys have no right to kick me out of here.

HAHA! You may be the largest **** I've ever came across in my many years of forum whoring. You really are the problem, not the solution.
THECR8 said:
Actually, my kids work on commission, they don't work, they don't get paid. They also NEVER see their parents use a credit card. I never said I didn't have the money, this is no different than a small time dirt track guy having a few stickers on his car from people that "Helped Him Out". Geez, hatred is so easily spewed in our society these days. Ha ha, you guys go home and can't talk to your wives like this so you come here to be big boys and knock others down just because they are not like you. But I bet you demand that propel tolerate your foul language and use of debt to fund your hobbies.

Hey look, just because you don't have a ball sack big enough to do it don't make it wrong. I am sure all of you have some values that I would disagree with.

You should go get a credit card and get some tires instead of begging. This kind of behavior infuriates me.

Post pics of up you and your rig!