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Would you???

Damnit man I just found this. None of you assholes have texted me about it yet :wtflol:

That is all carry on. ;D
I complete understand that some of you don't agree, but, does that really make me a low life mooching douche bum that don't take care of my family and just always wants something for free?
Rootar said:
its actually just a joke to mess with people, i know the guy.

Claims it's a joke

Plans to keep any money that morons actually give him. :gtfo:
THECR8 said:
I complete understand that some of you don't agree, but, does that really make me a low life mooching douche bum that don't take care of my family and just always wants something for free?

Nope, just a bitch!
THECR8 said:
I complete understand that some of you don't agree, but, does that really make me a low life mooching douche bum that don't take care of my family and just always wants something for free?

Pretty much.

I donated to his tire fund. I mean hell he has helped me a few times with jeep parts,gas and bought my family dinner. And didn't ask anything in return.
If you guy's don't believe in his tire fund don't donate and stfu and go web on with your web wheeling! Atleast he is being honest and
The money will go to tires.
I don't see anything wrong with being honest and up front about his go fund me.
It's no different in "most racers including rock bouncers who have sponsors " they're asking for free **** or deeply discounted ****.
Toby hope you can raise $10k!
muddinmetal said:
If this is a joke between friends you need to state so.. If you are trolling HL you need to say so... If you really want & expect to get enough $ from others to buy tires, well, :flipgotcha:

I am not trolling. I was serious when I started it, and I am serious now. Yeah, some of my buddies think it's a joke and that it will never amount to anything, and maybe they are right.

Thing is, I spend hours upon hours giving and organizing charity stuff to make sure that I am 100% legit in my charitable giving. As a matter of fact, my personal charitable donations for last year were in excess of $6k. Our club gives several thousand dollars to the local children's hospital every year. We take burn victim children in rides every summer. We cook and sell food at events in Hot Springs to give to charity.

I am well versed in giving. This was never intended to be a trouble making, cop out scheme to get free stuff.

Like I said, I was not deceitful, I did not lie, I did not say I was going to use it for one thing and plan to use it for another. You have every right to not agree, however, in doing this it make me no less of a person.
I just think you all are being a bunch of childish, judgmental individuals, and that's okay. You are free to do that.

You tell people you're broke but then you tell us you have the money. How is that not a lie to get what you want?
onepieceatatime said:
You tell people you're broke but then you tell us you have the money. How is that not a lie to get what you want?

You didn't read all of the comments, I explained why that was said about 15 comments back, I am not explaining it again.
I agree with whoever said it before...til those tires are grooved to the cords and start coming apart, they ain't dead and you dont NEED new tires, you just WANT new tires. Just like you WANT a handout. Either make due with what you got or pick a different ****ing hobby you societal leach sack of ****. I'll let my pile sit for as long as it needs to but damned if I am ever asking for a handout for a hobby.

Trade/barter or just don't go wheelin for a while to save the money for one of these and get to work. Pass up one wheelin trip and put the fuel money toward it and a solid days work (might be a far fetched concept) and you're back out on the trail El Presidante.

You'll be amazed at how much meat can be cut back into an old set of tires.

You should explain to the people on GoFundMe that you're not broke because that's not how it appears on there.
JohnG said:
You have no rights here. Not your sand box. On one hand, you poke the bear, normally banned. But, I think there are more jokes to be had at your expense. So, I'll wait to ban you till we get finished.

Damn right JohnG. You never kick the dog off till he's finished...