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Wrong turn

muddinmetal said:
Wacky Tabacy
Yep. The big giant fence is to keep the deer and rabbits from eating the crop. The guy with the gun was to keep the people from smoking the crop
Made a wrong turn in Petros, TN. back in the late 80's , I was doing some work at Brushy Mountain SP, and let me tell you, these folks had no electricity or visible running water, lived in shacks on the side of the hill. Nothing was said, but, the looks those people were giving us, we wasted little time GTFO :****:
Like the old sheriff feller said on the Monster Plantation ride at Six Flags way back when; STAY OUT OF THE MARSH!!! :****: You were in the wrong area.
dwa2469 said:
Made a wrong turn in Petros, TN. back in the late 80's , I was doing some work at Brushy Mountain SP, and let me tell you, these folks had no electricity or visible running water, lived in shacks on the side of the hill. Nothing was said, but, the looks those people were giving us, we wasted little time GTFO :****:

Was that where Brushy Mountain Prison was?
The Luke said:
Ever made a wrong turn and ended up where you shouldn€™t be?

I was on my way back from a job in Waverly,TN yesterday and decided to take some back roads toward Nashville. So I dip off hwy 50 onto a road called €œcobble to only rd€. It€™s an old one lane, dirt, county rd that cuts up a ridge, through three or four hollers, across a dozen or so creeks for about 18 miles then back to another hwy. Just something to break up the monotony. So I€™m cruising down it and flipping through the gps and see a road called Malugin Holler LN. Looks like it cuts north and adds a few miles, but dumps you out on the same hwy. I€™ve never been down that particular rd, so I give it a shot. Pull up to the road and there is an open gate across the road. I thought maybe it was a €œsnow€ gate for when it might now be passable during certain seasons. But I can clearly see on google satellite view. that this road goes all the way through.

Regardless, I drive on through, make it about 3 miles in, come around a blind corner and there€™s a red Silverado with a truck and trailer sideways across the road. So I stop, see something out of the corner of my eye and there€™s a guy in full camo walking up to my passenger door.

So I roll the window down, greet him and he immediately loses his ****. Cussing me every way he can, wants to know who I am, where I am from, why I€™m on his property, how many guns I have, who my boss is, if I€™m with the game warden, etc... all the while he has his hand behind his back in his shirt. I am about 16 miles from pavement, no service and alone. I offer for or five times to just turn around and leave. He informs me that I€™m not leaving til he says I can.

Granted, I€™m a big boy and this mid 60€™s super intoxicated guy was a wee feller. The fact that he could have drawn on me and left me parked right there for the rest of forever and no one would have ever seen me again, made me rethink just flipping him the bird and driving off. So lots of yessirs and no sirs were involved. Eventually(20 min later), after multiple times of talking him down from being irate, him searching the bed of my truck and peered in my windows and questioning why I had three tubs of baby formula in the passenger seat, he told me to turn it around and never ever come back.

Got the truck turned around and start my way back. About 300 yards down the road I found a corner and found a nicely stacked pile of 3 dead buzzards right in the middle of the road that were not there when I came through the first time. So I took that as an additional message to gtfo. Daggum Silverado looked like it was BJ Baldwin behind the wheel the last 8 miles or so of cobble to only rd.

Get back to the office and I decide to google the guys name. Who knows what I€™ll find? So I throw in €œJohn Pruitt Hickman Co€. Immediately pulls up a court case for a double homicide about 3 miles as the crow flies from where I was by a John Pruitt in 2015. No clue if that was him, or how he would be out. But I don€™t want to go back and ask.

That would have been a hell of a time to run out of gas.......
I had conveniently filled up before dipping off onto that road. Lol
So how the hell that grow crop just out there open for all sorts of aerial viewing and nobody has busted that **** yet?
TacomaJD said:
So how the hell that grow crop just out there open for all sorts of aerial viewing and nobody has busted that **** yet?
As long as they aren't stealing or killing people it's probably not worth the time and man power it would take to destroy one crop. Now if somebody could get pinned down with larger crimes and that would just add to their time yes. Google maps isn't probable cause for a search warrant. It "could" be corn, peas, etc
No, but it'd be a good excuse for a "military exercise flyover"
The Luke said:
No, but it'd be a good excuse for a "military exercise flyover"
Actually as remote as the hills of Tennessee are I would think that would be the governments problem. Local law enforcement is around to keep the law abiding citizens safe not hike the Appalachian mountains.
Odds are that crop has long since been abandoned. Google maps images are published long after they are taken. When i pull up a google image of my house its at least a year old. And yeah I'd say local law enforcement has their hands full arresting that crazy ass John Pruitt Hickman.
According to the date stamp on that google image it was april 2017.
Mongo44 said:
Worst case was a timber company in north florida was selling a tract to another firm and the hunting lease on the property was expiring/not being renewed. All the hunters were stalking the woods and would harass us as we did our sweeps. We got stuck at one point and had 2 gentlemen appear out of the swamp at random with a small arsenal strapped to them about 8 miles off the road the main road. I didnt hear vehicles and there were no buildings anywhere in that section of the property. They didnt talk to us and just stood there for an hour until the property manager showed up and pulled us out. Nerve wracking.

Curious if it was NW Florida and if so where? That is my neck of the woods. I'm also in the environmental field.
5BrothersFabrication said:
Got shot in the back 5 times with a .22 for exploring when I was 13-ish. I don't do much exploring anymore.

Damn Mike! I think we need a backstory on that one...no pun intended.
AllGoNoShow said:
Damn Mike! I think we need a backstory on that one...no pun intended.

Long story short, me and a buddy were exploring a creek, found a big rubber raft on the bank, turns out it belonged to someone. About 100 yds with what appeared to be a Marlin .22 rifle. Distance helped me, bullets only went into my back about an inch, went through my left bicep.
My wife and I were nearly killed in SC about 4 years ago...
We needed a cheap mini van for our aging alaskan malamute to ride in since he couldn't load into our trucks or SUVs anymore. We found a $2000 Voyager online in Greenwood SC and took off in my Super Duty with trailer behind it. I did my best sleuthing at the time and it seemed legit.
When we got close I called the "owner" and asked him to meet us at a gas station about 1/4 mile from his house since I had a trailer with me. He refused and insisted we meet him at his house. I already knew his address was near a public housing complex and was one way in, one way out.
I pulled into the gas station and called him again and he again insisted on meeting at his place. My BS detector was going off and I had a bad feeling. I could see his house from the station and saw him talking on the phone with me. No van in sight and about half dozen of his friends hanging out in front of his place.
A cop was across the street monitoring a school bus stop. I approached him and asked him about the neighborhood. Honest to God, the first thing he said was "Are you carrying?" I told him was and I had a CCW permit. He told me that was a good thing in this hood. I told him why I was there and how much cash we had. He then said people get killed here over $100 so take that how you wish.
I told me wife we were leaving and as we drove away I could see the road just past the dude's house was blocked and there were even more neighbors at his place...
I know if we had pulled in there we would have been blocked in and God only knows what would have happened to my wife once I was killed.