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WTF art!!! 3 rides 3 ring gears? Toyota

Thanks guys! I love my buggy but dang this is getting old. I may just drop the diff in a bucket and send it to East Coast. Going to Moab in May . I'd like to ride more than one day!
fatguy7814 said:
Thanks guys! I love my buggy but dang this is getting old. I may just drop the diff in a bucket and send it to East Coast. Going to Moab in May . I'd like to ride more than one day!

Might as well get a set of tons ready to go in it.

Then sell the yota axles to a 4cyl guy.
fatguy7814 said:
Thanks guys! I love my buggy but dang this is getting old. I may just drop the diff in a bucket and send it to East Coast. Going to Moab in May . I'd like to ride more than one day!

Probably all the weight you got sitting in them seats!!
fatguy7814 said:
Thanks guys! I love my buggy but dang this is getting old. I'd like to ride more than one day!

This is why I put 60/14 in my Ftoy, I have a 3rz for power. I was breaking R/P or axles every trip out.
I have a 4banger and 37in reds and 529s w duals and I absolutely love it. . . broke 571s then swapped in the 529s.. this is one of the reasons ive never went to 39in reds.. ive been riding on them for a few years now with no problem

if I ever go to 39s on my truck or put a bigger motor ill go tons for sure...I love Toyota stuff but inexpensive Toyota stuff gets expensive when you have to replace it time and time again..
I have to disagree on installing a boat ancor("back up, you're chunked out... BACK UP, YOUR CHUNKED OUT, YOU'RE CHUNKED OUT?!?!?!?") , I mean 14b, into a sammy with 39 reds and a 4.3....I think the Toyota ring and pinion will hold up if they are dipped, set right, broken in properly, nothing is binding, and all angles are good in full compression as well as full droop. I think you may have a deeper underlying problem.... A root cause so to speak.... Vibration issue, angle issue, u joint issue driveshaft issue, etc..... Time to put it up on the lift at full droop and rotate the driveshat and look at everything connected. Listen for anything abnormal, feel for anything binding and look for fresh shiny spots ... I think it can be corrected. The thinner ring gear is DEFINITELY a weak point and can easily be blamed, but there is more to it.
zr2x350 said:
I have to disagree on installing a boat ancor("back up, you're chunked out... BACK UP, YOUR CHUNKED OUT, YOU'RE CHUNKED OUT?!?!?!?") , I mean 14b, into a sammy with 39 reds and a 4.3....I think the Toyota ring and pinion will hold up if they are dipped, set right, broken in properly, nothing is binding, and all angles are good in full compression as well as full droop. I think you may have a deeper underlying problem.... A root cause so to speak.... Vibration issue, angle issue, u joint issue driveshaft issue, etc..... Time to put it up on the lift at full droop and rotate the driveshat and look at everything connected. Listen for anything abnormal, feel for anything binding and look for fresh shiny spots ... I think it can be corrected. The thinner ring gear is DEFINITELY a weak point and can easily be blamed, but there is more to it.
I will have to disagree.
i have broken 3 R&P's, exploded a carrier one of which was cryo'd all setup correctly, all with a 4cyl, dual stock cases and baldass 39 reds.
On another rig, i broke both 30 spline longs on the long side, 4 cyl, 4.7/stock duals, and you guessed it.... 39 reds.

So no, toy axles wont live with 39 reds and any bit of non slipping that swampers provide.
Most of this really comes down i think to what kind of riding you do, If your riding around in mostly muddy slick places and trail riding, with something 4cyl and fairly light, yes yoda axles will live a happy life, but i hate the mud! i want to be on the most funky steep rock i can find, and when those sticky bite on a hot rock or a tire gets bound up in a crack, crack goes the axle! I hate the fact that i got to put those big heavy ass 1 tons in mine, but over the last 3 years thats the only problem i have, always breaking something axle related.
This is the main reason I got away from yota crap, got really tired of always breaking on a big ride or having to baby it everywhere
Thanks for the comments. I may drop it in a bucket and send it to East Coast to build and warranty. I feel like they are set up right but maybe I'm missing something. I'd love to stay with the yotas if possible. I have found a few guys that have ran the same set up and say they have no problem. But most are in the same boat I am. Mine seem to be breaking on stupid easy climbs. Or this last one I noticed on 2 mile bunny trail back to the cabin. It just doesn't make since. The ring gear before last was running tsls so I hate to blame it on the stickies. Any other ideas or comments. I don't really have time to drop in tons before moab.
The last ring gear I broke I was loading Ftoy on the trailer when POP! I wheeled 4 days at Windrock with one rear axle shaft broke at Rattle rock, Im sure the ring gear was damaged sometime in them 4 days. Im headed to Harlan in the morning with 60/14 under it now.
Chance, I am the one you stopped and talked with when you were coming out by the check-in at Harlan after you broke. I let mine crawl and work all it will, but will heat them 39 reds if need be and have never had a problem but the one time that I know was my own fault. My buggy weighs 3000# like it sets, 4.3, 350 turbo, 300 tc, toy axles on 39 and I love it. May break next time, but been going a lot for over 3 1/2 years.
my buddys having the same issue with 410s, he broke one ring gear at wishbone last month and 2 ring gears at Harlan this past weekend. Hes running 22r on pane and 37 red stickies. Were going swap his housing out and try that because up until the last two rides hes only broke one in 2 years.
there not set up right if your breakin em that easy. im runnin 5.29s built 22r with pane an turbo with 15 lbs boost an 42 iroks. im pullin 3rd n clickin 4th gear in 4.7 an not breakin them. i had same issue until i went with east coast gear built 3rds. only broke one in almost 2 years now an the one that did break i broke the pinion n half... didnt hurt pinion or ring gear teeth
Thanks guys for chiming in. Poppy I was hoping I could find you. I'll have my diff back from East coast on Tuesday. Bought extra gears to build an extra diff just in case. The didn't find any major problems with the way mine was set up. Sidebar the we're a little deep and tight..... I wasn't running a solid spacer.....? Still not exactly sure what the issue was or if this one will hold up. But at least now it's warrantied. We will see.