Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! I love my buggy but dang this is getting old. I may just drop the diff in a bucket and send it to East Coast. Going to Moab in May . I'd like to ride more than one day!
fatguy7814 said:Thanks guys! I love my buggy but dang this is getting old. I may just drop the diff in a bucket and send it to East Coast. Going to Moab in May . I'd like to ride more than one day!
fatguy7814 said:Thanks guys! I love my buggy but dang this is getting old. I may just drop the diff in a bucket and send it to East Coast. Going to Moab in May . I'd like to ride more than one day!
fatguy7814 said:Thanks guys! I love my buggy but dang this is getting old. I'd like to ride more than one day!
I will have to disagree.zr2x350 said:I have to disagree on installing a boat ancor("back up, you're chunked out... BACK UP, YOUR CHUNKED OUT, YOU'RE CHUNKED OUT?!?!?!?") , I mean 14b, into a sammy with 39 reds and a 4.3....I think the Toyota ring and pinion will hold up if they are dipped, set right, broken in properly, nothing is binding, and all angles are good in full compression as well as full droop. I think you may have a deeper underlying problem.... A root cause so to speak.... Vibration issue, angle issue, u joint issue driveshaft issue, etc..... Time to put it up on the lift at full droop and rotate the driveshat and look at everything connected. Listen for anything abnormal, feel for anything binding and look for fresh shiny spots ... I think it can be corrected. The thinner ring gear is DEFINITELY a weak point and can easily be blamed, but there is more to it.
2 toyota cases with 4.7 in rearzayne2427 said:zukimaster, what t case are you running behind your 4.3/th350?