I do, but on my home computer, but found several examples on Google Images
It has the Cadillac Flying Lady on it.
22" Woods? are you sure? Biggest Cadillacs in wood spoke I've seen are 20's. I have been hunting for Buffalo Wires for that car for 4 years now. I have found a few, but they want $1000 a wheel or more.
The timing advance on the '30 is on the left dash, and no fuel pressure pump I was told that went away in '28, but I just dont know for sure.
They are regal as hell cars to drive, and a full time job, nothing like make a corner manhandling the wheel, feathering the clutch and brakes, and trying to find a gear to downshift. BOOYAAA!
damn flying lady is pimp compared to this one!
timing advance (not a great shot)...