Its pretty sad really, most of the guys my age or younger that I went to school with and went back home to farm all get high on the tractor.
You spend 16-20 hours a day at 10mph during plant and harvest, so they just just smoke up. Get high and forget about it. The new GPS tractors are all dailed for field position so audible alarms can be set to go off if you are deviating in your line, and when to commence your turns.
Crazy **** but nowadays these guys get yeild data from harvest and it all gets plugged and cross checked with soil quality tests. Then when it comes to the plant, the grain drills are all GPS linked and computer operated to speed up and slow down the seed count depending on the ability of the ground to grow. Less fertile, the seed count drops, more fertile the seed count goes up.
Just throwing seed in the ground at the same rate over all your ground is a waste of seed in some areas, and is lossing you money in others by not fully utilizing your dirt.
Farming has come along ways in the past 10 years. I seriously foresee one farmer sitting in his truck, and computer dispatching a handful of tractors in the near future. Give them GPS plots and start them.