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Yakima Wa rockcrawling Comp. June 22nd-24th

I know of one certain guy that was talking about going over there, and I assure you that nobody on this board would be the winner in that case. Thought he's not sure now, since he didn't like the idea of tearing up or damaging his tires on some old beat up cherokee's.

There ya go. Kinda killed the desire to push my limit. I'll play at reiter instead. Im stoked for bys.
The course aint' no joke and If you west siders aren't coming down for this your missing out.:fawkdancesmiley:
I don't think it's such a sure thing Darius. Isn't the course on flat ground? Not the environment where a front wheel steer moon buggy will have a big advantage. More likely someone with big tires and portals IMHO.:;

I ASSure you there is no situation in any sort of rock that buggy will be outdone by any other vehicle around here.
Trux Etc. Rock Crawling

Just got back from the rock crrawling in yakima, it was pretty sweet, could of been more organized but other than that is was kool, lots of rigs showed up, if i had a bigger lift and tires i would have enterd the intermidate rock drag.
camera phone pic from sunday

here is a pic of one of the rigs on the extreme course

I ASSure you there is no situation in any sort of rock that buggy will be outdone by any other vehicle around here.
In a boulder type of environment a big tired Sausage rig would put the moon buggy to shame PERIOD. Now when the terrain gets vertical and technical different story. I would have to side with Rick on this one.:corn:
Ok, let's agree to disagree on the buggy v. big tire rig issue and keep the topic on the rock crawl event (or take it to chatterbox). Those of you that attended, please add pics and comments. :awesomework:
Story and pics by PULLUOUT________

PullUout said:
I showed up friday morning and there was a lot still to be done the intermediate courses were done and only 1 extreme course was near completion

The Rock Drag Courses

The start of the first exreme course, Psychotoys' buggy gives you a guage here but this course was mild compared to what was to come



Adding More Rock


The finishing Touches

Moving On To The Next Course This Gap Would Be Filled With Rock By Days End







1 of the extreme courses, a view from the top of the containers

Ron Playing around on the bonus course. He provided the equipment and ran the excavator all day setting up the last extreme courses plus a lot more $tuff, There were so many sponsors and donated materials it was hard to keep track but somehow everything came together in less than 34 hours :headbang:
Here are some pics taken by PULLUOUT on EWOR

PullUout said:
I took a break from course building and ran to the looney bin for spare shop truck parts (insanity blew the front D-shaft again) when I got back it was time for the police escort to the speak easy for the RTI comp. I had to repair the front shaft while riding B!tch

I mean I'm juggling U-joint caps while Insanity has her in 2 lo Peelin Tires scarin the Cops. And I spot this.





The Shop Loaner almost scored 1k, need to ditch the overloads














Just For $hits and giggles :iconbiggrin:


had a great time and it was a kick in the ass (a couple rounds kicked my ass :redneck: ) maybe next time I will win one of the many winches and cool prizex that you guys gave away. TRUXect giving out cash instead of the instore credit was way cool for those that were not local. Every one that I talked too said they had a blast and would be back, except for the ford ranger that broke all those axles including the chromo ALLOY USA axles on there first run :mad: :puke: . Make sure to post up again for youre next event :awesomework: :cheer:
had a great time and it was a kick in the ass (a couple rounds kicked my ass :redneck: ) maybe next time I will win one of the many winches and cool prizex that you guys gave away. TRUXect giving out cash instead of the instore credit was way cool for those that were not local. Every one that I talked too said they had a blast and would be back, except for the ford ranger that broke all those axles including the chromo ALLOY USA axles on there first run :mad: :puke: . Make sure to post up again for youre next event :awesomework: :cheer:

Thanks for coming to our event, which rig were you man?
I would like to say that i had a great time as along with the rest of the crew from the tri-cities! I think people took the courses for granted the first day but quickly changed their mind after I think it was 4 rings in a row BROKE! thanks go out to all of the people that put the time and effort into this event and I hope that they but on another event in the fall! On a side note the only negitive thing i would say is that JT off-road has POOR customer service! ranger mike bought a set of cromos from them and BOTH shafts broke half way through the first course! Mike went to talk to them about the POOR quality shaft that he just bought and wanted his money back! the man with JT off-road told him no way and to get bent! I have no experence with this company but after this I will not nor will any of my fellow off-roaders support this company!