So I'm at work, right? I had to pee so bad, so I made a frantic run (or hobble) from my office to the bathroom which is halfway across the plant from where my office is located. As I stand there urinating in solitude into a fancy, waterless urinal, surrounded by peace and quite other than the miniscule sounds of my pee splatter, I got a mild pee shiver. I shook off the pee shiver and felt like a brand new man, a brand new man with a now empty bladder, of course. All the urine has now evacuated my body so I begin to shake off the remaining pee dribbles (shook it more than twice, so that could possibly be considered playing with it), I see a booger on the wall straight ahead. I mean, a BOOGER! Can you believe it? I know I can't. This whole time, there was a booger...........it's almost unimaginable that someone would wipe a booger on the wall. Holy fawking balls, feels good to get that story off my chest. I've been bursting at the seams to share it.