Way back in 1999 I had a 1973 Yellow VW Thing with a killer posi (I think). I was 17.
Took it across the lake from where my folks live in Bremerton and ended up getting it stuck on a stump going up a pretty decent sized hill.
I didnt have a highlift jack to get it off, so I stacked a couple rocks and put the scissor jack under the passenger side and started jacking away (eww). I realized that as soon as it got un-stuck, it would go flying down the hill.
Of course it didn't have a functioning e-brake, as most 25+ year old vehicles probably didn't. I came up with some genious idea that I'd take the back door off and lay it on the back seat, that way, once it started moving, I could quickly jump in and up to the front seat and step on the brakes.
Perfect. I put my plan into action and it worked like a charm.....except, when I went to push on the brakes, the seat hadn't been locked into place and jolted to the furthest back setting and me and my stubby legs now couldn't press hard enough on the non-power-assist brakes enough to get it to stop...but kept it slow enough to keep me from bouncing out.
It finally stopped once I got to a more level spot. I hiked back up the hill to fetch my jack and returned to put the door back on and return home.
On the way home, I stopped to clean most of the dirt/grass/blackberry bushes from the Thing so there wasn't any evidence.
Got home and no one was the wiser......except a few hours later when my dad asked where the blackberry vine came from that was trailing behind me.
I finally fessed up to this last year when the statute of limitations on punishment was far past!