Its gravity plain old law of gravity.
Its much harder to rise to any occassion or all occasions and accel in life that be a failure and burdon on society. So you have seen a trend to that side.
What??? Y'all know I'm telling the trooooffff! Dont tell me none of you have thought about saying **** all this hard work! **** bringing home this legit paycheck when you look at how much is taken out for taxes!! Especially whe you see how well these parasites of the government programs live.
I worked this year from Jan 1 to April 5th according to this website solely for Uncle Sam. Thats a few days shy of 100. Seriously!!!
JJ, I know its an old thread and before I got down through all the responses and where the girl approached you. I was thinking as a boss I wouldnt want to put myself in a personal position with a young girl in my employee. But if I HAD to (conscience) get involved, I'd approach the girl with my wife (in your case your girlfriend). IE, ask her to join y'all for dinner on a night she has off. Making sure any advice, or even time spent on this girl you had another person there. Your G/F is fairly unsuspecting and helps round out the table.
Just trying to protect you from a sexual harassment suit, just or un-just, they still cost to fight and 99% of the time if its an underage girl in your employ you're going to settle out to keep your name out of the paper at high cost.
So she's 18 now, can we get some pics?