5BrothersFabrication said:
Damn Wyatt, that looked like 100 or so judging by the fence posts flying by!
Ok, so I've watched ALOT of desert racing incar video footage, like TT, class1, Robby Gordon, BJ Baldwin, TJ Flores, and wondered how in the world can they process how fast things are approaching.
I mean video makes that stuff look like its going by at warp speed, then you look at rear facing and its stupid absolutely stupid how fast it looks.
Now watching my own video, it looks the same like stupid fast, almost tunnel of the blur of stuff going by.
Well I'll say it aint that fast, its all in the GoPro's.
On that portion posted that was lap one so we hadnt even got in a groove, and I left the line without good brakes (right rear hub likes to back off a touch). So I was slowing up way early, and really checking up early on most of it, listen to the throttle how often I back out of it to get right back in.
I'm probably going to re-gear even as I'm too highly geared and slow out of the corners and getting up to video warp speed.
But if it looks like we are going stupid fast, I'll just say yep, I'm just that fast YO!