Haha. We had just went up backside, the whole ride all I can think about is how lose my pinion was. Wata shitty thing to think about the whole time i was riding. Before we got to Boat ramp, I made the comment, "i'm just going to see if I can ease up it would be new tires, not going to spin them " but that didn't happen. Cha ching cha ching is all i hear when i mash it. Pretty confident i can make it, I want to walk up and like I have seen others do. Even with the treps. I will say with the majority of the trails being loose as hell, the tires do work

Pretty sick of worrying about gears so I finally made the call. And we are making progress as ya can see! Going to go ahead and order some parts for driveshaft also. With the 1310 u joints up front I just don't feel like a man haha.
And yea, That guy in tha second video actually lives pretty close to me. I met him when buying tires, he was sellim some on CL, last weekend was the first time we had actually met, now watching videos on youtube I see him all the time ! Kinda fawkin weird. Almost like wheres waldo. I have seen his head pop up in several videos. Hahaha. Start lookin for him u will see him eventually. :****: usually right in front of a buggy pointing and telling him which way to go! Haha