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YouTube of the day

When that flyin people vid came out I watched it about 67000 times BADDASS , and I got that Awolnation cd and sail goes BOOM BOOM BOOM like MOFO in my car as well ;D

And them CRAZY sumbitches floatin off Nocalula looks like FUN as well,,,I have got in trouble by park rangers for climbing on those big rocks there before,

they walked around and waited for me to climb down and gave me a SPEECH like I was a little kid :wtflol:
Cole said:
That Guy is badass, I watched a show a while back and his good friend was trying to fly under a bridge with a whole bunch of people on it and smacked right into the side of it!!
I watched that same show. If I remember correctly, he said his ultimate goal is to land like an airplane with no parachute and basically glide down and land on rollers or something. This dude is NUCKING FUTS! :eek:
zukiscott said:
When that flyin people vid came out I watched it about 67000 times BADDASS , and I got that Awolnation cd and sail goes BOOM BOOM BOOM like MOFO in my car as well ;D

And them CRAZY sumbitches floatin off Nocalula looks like FUN as well,,,I have got in trouble by park rangers for climbing on those big rocks there before,

they walked around and waited for me to climb down and gave me a SPEECH like I was a little kid :wtflol:

I had to search that Sail song by Awolnation soon as I just got done watching that vid before I ever read your post lol song kicks ass!
zukiscott said:
HAH ....play that sumbitch in a ride with some BIG SPEAKERS in it :****:

Hell yea I bet! I need to invest in some audion for my 2500....I had a couple 12's in a memphis box with a decent amp in my gangstered out Yukon I had before I ended up trading around for this 3/4 ton.
I have such mixed feelings watching that video. First, I'm grateful to the person or persons who created that display. I'm proud of and grateful to all who serve or have served including my brothers and my son and daughter.

My pride in my country and those who serve her is tempered with sadness because I feel that all that those noble sacrifices may be wasted as the nation is being destroyed from the inside. We have a president who was raised in Malaysia and Hawaii by parents who were devout communists and who has no clue what this country is really all about. Corrupt politicians whose only motive for running for office is to line their pockets or who came to Washington with good intentions but didn't have the strength of character to resist the "go along to get along" ethos so prevalent in the halls of Congress. Corporate leaders who succumb to the Siren's song of amassing power to themselves. Preachers and teachers who don't teach the virtues of self reliance, hard work and individual initiative. Parents who, with the best of intentions, have raised a generation of young people who believe that they are owed whatever it is their heart desires. We have giant media organizations overflowing with elitists who instead of being the watchdogs of government have become lapdogs, people who have never gotten their hands dirty doing real work who we believe because they can write or speak eloquently.

Worst of all, there are millions of us just like you and I who either feel powerless to change things or are just too busy or too lazy to do the simple things that can make this country great again. I remember when this was the greatest, most powerful, most envied, most generous, most free and yes most feared in the world. A nation unlike any other in the history of mankind. We all owe it to each and every one of those brave men and women who have fought and bled and died to preserve this nation for two hundred and thirty five years to not dishonor their sacrifice by letting those who wish to destroy us, from both inside and outside, succeed.

My life is nearing it's end, my children have children of their own and not too far in the future, they will have children. So my promise to them and to all the fallen heroes is that I will do what I can in my own small way to try and preserve for them what was preserved for me. I promise to keep annoying you all with my rants when I see something wrong. I promise to educate myself about those running for office and try to make a wise choice about who I vote for. I promise to keep annoying our elected representatives when they need a little poke to do what's right. I promise to piss off my neighbors when they let a flag get so ragged that it should be honorably retired. I promise to put my hand over my heart when the Star Spangled Banner is played. I promise to make at least one person believe that they can make a difference in the future of our country.

Not long ago, I was on here bitching about Sens Shelby and Sessions not speaking up about the Keystone pipeline project. I sent rather impolite e-mails to both their offices suggesting something about GROWING A PAIR. A couple of days ago, I saw Shelby on tv chastising Obama for not making a decision. Do you suppose he actually read it?
kuddos to the semi driver for knowing what hell he was doing... or for getting really lucky.