Rescue1 said:Wikipedia:
Sutton committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning on March 16, 2009, apparently to avoid a federal prison term due to begin a few days later. On October 24, 2009, Sutton's body was relocated from his original grave site in Mt. Sterling, North Carolina, to his home in Parrottsville, Tennessee, providing an opportunity for the first public memorial service to be held. He traveled to his final resting spot by horse and carriage. Sutton's memorial grew in spectacle as country music singer Hank Williams, Jr. flew in to pay his respects. It was a small memorial only for close friends and family.
So was this guy just an old rebel badass moonshiner that lived a long life of ****ing fat bitches and prolly sold moonshine to Hank Jr. and possibly Hank Sr.? Or did he do something else to make him "famous"?