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Yukon products suck. not too long ago i ruined a set of front yukon axles and ring gear and pinion. which also ruined my detroit locker. yesterday at gray rock, i was just easing around watching everybody play, and broke another rear yukon axle. it also ruined my detroit and ring gear and pinion. they have got a lifetime warranty as long as they don't break. :wtflol:
Thats what i told him too But he runs dang 6.17s ::)...i couldn't believe it broke when it did though :wtflol:
RCV makes rear shafts for your 60, maybe like 250 each but is quaranteed not to break. They have a no questions asked policy.

14 bolts are ANCHORs For what it would cost to put a stock 14 bolt with gears in it, you can upgrade what you have, and have the clearance too my .02
i bet you tweaked it on lunchline or something. that sucks it took out the R&P and detroit. >:(

that would put me out of commision for a while
I am not sure who's R&P I am running but this is the third set in less than 1.5 years. I am no school teacher driving when it comes to wheelin, but this **** has got to stop. Warranty for parts is ok, but the labor and set up cost is killing me. Going to do some researching and do somehing about it this time. I could have paid for a 14 bolt by this time. :****:
Dwalk said:
RCV makes rear shafts for your 60, maybe like 250 each but is quaranteed not to break. They have a no questions asked policy.

14 bolts are ANCHORs For what it would cost to put a stock 14 bolt with gears in it, you can upgrade what you have, and have the clearance too my .02

he's running a 70 rear
That does suck man - I say just buy some good axles and put a spool in that bitch - I feel lucky however I have been running the same set of Yukon's for over two years.
CHASMAN9 said:
I am not sure who's R&P I am running but this is the third set in less than 1.5 years. I am no school teacher driving when it comes to wheelin, but this **** has got to stop. Warranty for parts is ok, but the labor and set up cost is killing me. Going to do some researching and do somehing about it this time. I could have paid for a 14 bolt by this time. :****:

Dude, you run a HP Rear 60 with 44's and 500HP and rockbounce the **** out of it. I am surprised you don't break gears every trip. Look at John's old jeep with the HP rear, I bet he went through 10 sets of gears before he swapped to LP. I have less power and a lighter rig and I have gone through 3 gear sets. Look at going LP so your gears are running on the right side.

I totally agree on Yukon, outside of gears, I don't run them anymore. Pulled my front apart a few months back and found bad twisted splines on a cutom length inner that was like a year old maybe. I am just tired of using their warranty and really don't want one of their crap products to fail and ruin something else. One thing that kills me with them is they are the only company in the market that cannot even make their **** to spec. Every single set of shafts I have had from them don't fit into the damn housing without grinding. How hard is it to make a product that fits the application it is designed for? Having to grind the piss out of the ears of the axles is retarded.

I have Superiors on the other side of my front axle and the quality comparison next to a Yukon is insane. Yukon is not even in the same league. I am also impressed with my new Ten Factory shafts that are going to replace the Yukon.
Matt O. said:
One thing that kills me with them is they are the only company in the market that cannot even make their **** to spec. Every single set of shafts I have had from them don't fit into the damn housing with grinding the piss out of it. How hard is it to make a product that fits the application it is designed for. Having to grind the piss out of the ears of the axles is retarded.

I agree 100% with that - it is friggin stupid
I've had the same trouble with Yukon Ring and Pinions breaking and axles breaking in my Dana 60s. I broke several sets of 6.17 gears. I decided to go with Yukon 4.56 gears instead to get a larger pinion. Then, I bought the Lomax NP205 3:1 kit to get my gearing back. To fix the axles, I bought Yukon Chromolys front and back with super joints. So far this has held up well.
this goes without saying but as far as R & P strength goes allot of it has to do with proper setup as well.
I agree with you MattO, I need to go with a 14 bolt built bomb proof as I am tired of this carnage especially when it comes on the first trail of the day. It will be a cold day in Hell or Grayrock, when I give up the woopow for some stinky gassed squirrel caged 4 cylindered boat anchor. I need to look into this after the gears get fixed. Adam built Mike's 14 bolt and he loves it and has yet to detonate it with his ZZ502 woopow. Just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts about Yukak gears. molaugh
CHASMAN9 said:
I agree with you MattO, I need to go with a 14 bolt built bomb proof as I am tired of this carnage especially when it comes on the first trail of the day. It will be a cold day in Hell or Grayrock, when I give up the woopow for some stinky gassed squirrel caged 4 cylindered boat anchor. I need to look into this after the gears get fixed. Adam built Mike's 14 bolt and he loves it and has yet to detonate it with his ZZ502 woopow. Just wanted to hear everyone's thoughts about Yukak gears. molaugh

Dude a STOCK 14b is a big improvement over a HP60. Also look into the Ford Van 60's, they are LP, cheap, readily available and they don't have the ribbing under the diff so more clearance. You will probably not be able to reuse your ARB or Gears since they are all reverse rotation stuff, so you can really start over and get whatever you want.
Matt O. said:
Dude a STOCK 14b is a big improvement over a HP60. Also look into the Ford Van 60's, they are LP, cheap, readily available and they don't have the ribbing under the diff so more clearance. You will probably not be able to reuse your ARB or Gears since they are all reverse rotation stuff, so you can really start over and get whatever you want.

Good advice. I wonder what I could get for a Rockcrusher high pinion chromo axle ARB'd 60,disc braked custom 5:13'd geared (brand new gears) with custom built bolt on link bracket? Hmmm, I guess this would be a thread jacking in the making if I let it. laughing1
people are telling me that dana makes most of the gear sets for other companies like yukon and many others. is this so? i have been told that richmond gears are better, but they don't offer 6.17's
junktrader said:
people are telling me that dana makes most of the gear sets for other companies like yukon and many others. is this so? i have been told that richmond gears are better, but they don't offer 6.17's

I think there is a lot of hit or miss with gears, but no I don't think it is true that spicer makes them all. I would talk to someone like Chase at East Coast Gear Supply about which gears to go with because a lot of people just sell re-boxed junk from India. There are some companies that don't do that, you just have to know what to look for
Chasman--even though you would come closer to getting your money out of your rear hp60, if you went the lp60 route you could use the arb. High/Low 60's use different gears not carriers.
