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100 miles of trail @ Walker Valley

But it's NOT meaningless---it IS and OLD trail, that has been blocked off/closed at some point in the past by the powers-that-be, and now it's been recently punched thru (within the last few months)... in otherwords, knowing what you know, that it is not a legit trail within the system...are you going to pass the word along that it IS an illegal trail??? I am if I see someone on it...may not stop them, but I can inform them.:awesomework:
naw. we're going to re-route it.... At least thats the hope. Elyse is interested in seeing if the re-route would work. Shes not happy that someone decided to do it already, but if it complies with the environmental standards (I believe it is better than the old option), and Jay signs off on it (he should since we're bypassing active creek running across the v-ditch), they'll make it so.

One of my points in the meeting was that this should have been discussed BEFORE logging took place. And I told some others afterward, I'm watching all timbersales closely now. If anything comes close to our trails, we'll bring it up.
Yes, I remember this was brought up---and I agree, IF the powers that be can agree it is a better option, then yay!!! :cheer:A win!!! I haven't even seen this potential 're-route' yet, and I am curious!!!
I'll pass along that DNR doesn't want people on that trail. But I'm not going to say its illegal unless its signed closed or blocked off. If elyse does those things, then that will end this discussion. Until then, its a trail DNR would rather us not be on, but its not illegal
Jakob, as stated before---regarding the old section of expressway, I really see no issue other than the water issue at the one end....A plan needs to be conjured that will satisfy those above regarding this---and we need to get a handle on what is already on our plates (ie; Upper Mainline) first, then we can move on the Jeep-x issue.:; But, like I stated before--there needs to be a plan first...:awesomework:
I'll pass along that DNR doesn't want people on that trail. But I'm not going to say its illegal unless its signed closed or blocked off. If elyse does those things, then that will end this discussion. Until then, its a trail DNR would rather us not be on, but its not illegal

But is WAS blocked off, and someone punched around it at the one end, and moved the stuff out of the way at the other! That info is enough for me to imply it is off-limits (at this time...)
I didn't know it was previously blocked off until I found out at the meeting. I heard that it was rerouted, but I honestly thought they didn't do anything to it.

anywho, if we want to keep disucssing this, it should be in the relevant thread:

this thread is about making 100 miles of trail at walker valley a reality.
I didn't know it was previously blocked off until I found out at the meeting. I heard that it was rerouted, but I honestly thought they didn't do anything to it.

anywho, if we want to keep disucssing this, it should be in the relevant thread:

this thread is about making 100 miles of trail at walker valley a reality.

Well, it is pretty obvious at the top end, and I did tell you when we were up there a month ago--- I guess you have to take my (and Alyse's, and Jim's) word for on the other end...
Getting 100 miles of trail at Walker I'd love to see...but a forum is not the place that will make it a reality... an informational tool, sure... but fair enough---I gotta get up at 5:30 anyway!!!:haha: Nite!:kiss:
Until then, its a trail DNR would rather us not be on, but its not illegal

I don't agree Jacob as I think you're misinterpreting that law which I also posted last week. There is also a law on the books which states you must obey all posted signage.....Like the sign at the beginning of the park which says "stay on posted trails" or something like that. I'll try later this morning to find that law...
Yup she did... unfortunately what she doesn't realize is the current situation on Jeepcross makes that trail legal, and Ron cannot write tickets. They'd get thrown out. Why? because according to the WACs, if a trail is not marked closed, or otherwise blocked off, it is legal. Further, since Jeep cross, as well as the logging road are both on the map, it further legitimizes its existence. If someone was caught taking the 'trail closed' sign down, that'd be one thing.. but if the sign is gone, no one would be the wiser.

And although I know its supposed to be closed, I'm trying to make a point here: You cannot expect a closure of 1/4th of the trail system to stick. What if Lider got his way and upper mainline was closed? do you think people would keep running it? you bet.

What this means is, instead of closing trail, DNR needs to figure out ways to work WITH us. When we have 100 miles of trail, it's going to be much easier to close a section off. But until that time, the trail needs to remain open and we need to work on getting it passable.

Good Luck fighting the ticket now dude! :looser:
What's the point of that Neil???:rolleyes:..... If you've got something productive to bring, great!:awesomework:

I think Neil is implying that Jacob admitted he is doing wrong in writing so they could use it against him in court. I don't think this is the case though as it would not be feasible to proove he wrote it. Even then with all of the banter on this board nothing could be taken seriousely anyways.
What's the point of that Neil???:rolleyes:..... If you've got something productive to bring, great!:awesomework:

Oh....and "Pioneering Trails" IS PRODUCTIVE? :looser:

As Binder noted, Yes Jakob has a chance of getting off on the ticket. But he also could be made the example of. I think he is going about this wrong especially since we are still trying to work WITH the DNR at Reiter and due to the fact that Lider still is targeting Walker.
Neil nobody wants to take matters into their own hands but how long should we sit idle while we keep loosing?
Something that comes to mind here you may or may not remember..........
At one of the Reiter focus group meetings at the beginning of the meeting Mark asked for everyone to introduce themselves and say where they would like to be in 5 years. My introduction was, "I'm Rick and I'm a 4wd enthusiest and I WILL be wheeling somewhere in 5 years". That brought a bit of a chuckle from the tree huggers who were sitting behind me but the message I implied was you can close all of the woods in the world and I will still wheel. We may not be quite there yet but do we need to wait until it's allgone before taking action?:awesomework:
Here is my take on it and we can look at other non motorized groups as an example. They are well organized, have allot of contributing money and have lots of folks who participate in there efforts being out in the field or behind it all.

IMO going out and bootlegging trails is opposite of how we need to approach the issue of loosing trails.

We need to look at those who are successful instead of hanging our selfs because "every" illegal action we do can/is easily scrutinized by the non motorized community and has the ability to set us back farther.

I understand what Jakob is doing but I think there is great potential to backfire and send us even farther back.

Plus as stated we need to greatly work on the "funding" side of stuff because we can have all the trails in the world but if there is no money there to maintain those trails then we risk loosing them.

Thats how I see it...
First of all, 'pioneering' trails was never the intent for the purpose of this thread---if you read any, Jakob and I headed off on that tangent late last night in this thread....
And seeings how you missed the DNR meeting up here Neil, the proposed E&E position at walker is still relying on the grant process...at least at this point....and even then it is only a part time position that would be available, should the grant be given...
so how can i get in on this i live 15 minutes from walker, i agree longer and harder trails i have a toyota pick up on 38 boggers i have been to walker once and was bored out of my mind. we were there for several hours maybe i didn't find the good area, if there is one. when i hear walker valley the only thing that my brain processes is BORING

for you guys that find walker a challange inlighten me. i like fun as much as the next guy. and from what i hear on here most of your rigs, truggys, and such are built more than mine so i could only imagine that if its not that fun for me it can't be for you either.
president- Hi-Center'd Off Road
For your rig, there isn't much up there. For a rig like mine (open/open 33's) walkers fun. We want to change that an make more diversified trails.

You can come to the work party tomorrow, a lot of the guys who are in the Walker "game" will be there.