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231 v6 in my 98 tj


My 65 kindsvader buggy I restored

And my street legal sand rail! Yes Washington state plates! A blast to drive down I5:awesomework:
Well, I got the buggy with a bad moter and transaxle.I got a the rail for cheep and use its motor and transaxle in the buggy,till I found a Adam Wicks Built,1600 Limited class certified off Road racing engine.I called the company (wicks racing )gave them the numbers off the block and had a verified that they built it.The buggy is very fast.then I put the engine and trans axle back in the Sandrail ,it was built in Colorado as a passenger vehicle dune buggy ,so when I change the title here into my name I got my Washington state plates and title to match so it's a Street-licensed Sand Rail.and it has a matching Vin tag on the rollbar:wtf:
Oh and I also just never even thought about going underneath there and spinning the freaking driveline and counting.like I said I guess I smoke too much!:D:
No. Not sure whether or not I'm going to use the Toyota axles.it's only about $500 for the adapter for a turbo 350 tranny to bolt to my transfer case.I already have in the Jeep.and somebody was nice enough to steal my air compressor ,my welder ,my chainsaw and a blower out of my garage this summer,so after thie first of the year I need to buy a new welder so I can build the motor mounts.but The motor in my jeep is a 4.0 Six-cylinder stock is not running very well ,it cuts out when I let up on the throttle on the freeway or when it hits about 1800 RPM.i've changed all three sensor on my manifold and swamped feel injectors from an old motor.the only sensor I have not changed is the flywheel sensor.so I don't know whether I'm going to buy a new in-line six or whether I should just go ahead and do the swap.

Okay I just came back from Napa getting a set of brakes for my Toyota axles that are on my Datsun pick up.Now everybody told me they don't have 1 ton gears in Toyota axles.! I wonder why I have to have 1 ton Toyota brake shoes and wheel cylinder for it then. So everyone that says they don't ,go look it up !!1/2 ton truck brake shoes are only 2 inches wide ,1 Ton truck brake shoes are just under 2 1/4 inches wide.So before you post your opinions and what you think you know,when you're trying to help/put down somebody posting a question please either don't post or go look up the correct answer.

Thanks shag from Marysville
Okay I just came back from Napa getting a set of brakes for my Toyota axles that are on my Datsun pick up.Now everybody told me they don't have 1 ton gears in Toyota axles.! I wonder why I have to have 1 ton Toyota brake shoes and wheel cylinder for it then. So everyone that says they don't ,go look it up !!1/2 ton truck brake shoes are only 2 inches wide ,1 Ton truck brake shoes are just under 2 1/4 inches wide.So before you post your opinions and what you think you know,when you're trying to help/put down somebody posting a question please either don't post or go look up the correct answer.

Thanks shag from Marysville
What yr truck axles are you ordering your parts for? What diameter drum??? :corn:
Just because the parts guys say it's for a 1ton, does not mean the gears are 1ton gears...:swing:
I did just check for an 87 2ed...and they DO list an option for a "1ton Chassis", HOWEVER, the drum diameter is only 10", which is NO different than any 79-95 Toyota rear, except the v-6 option was 11" drums out back...Do you really think the extra .19" width is enough to justify thinking you have a 1tom set of Toy axles? The 4wd option doesn't even give you a 1ton offering, only 2wd gives that as an option when buying brake parts...I suppose it is possible that someone has changed out the backing plates to 1ton units, but in my opinion of you are gonna go through that much trouble to gain a measly .19" in shoe width, go discs....
OK guys he caught us, its official, it must be time to send him to pirate to get some real tech....:mad: