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24hr of Lemons

InDaShop said:
Name one that you can do reasonably priced.
Remember, rules are $500 for the car and anything that makes it move forward.

How do they determine that? Your bill of sale?
Neal3000 said:
How do they determine that? Your bill of sale?


•4.1: Total Investment in Vehicle Can Not Exceed $500: Except for items described in Rules 4.2 and 4.3, the total spent to purchase and prepare any car may not exceed $500. ?4.1.1: Lame-Ass Rationalizations: Cars that "should be" worth $500 don't count; cars that "were worth $500" before you spent another $2000 to fix them don't count; cars you've owned for 20 years and spent more than $500 on during that time don't count; "it would have been worth $500 if it didn't already have a cage" doesn't count. Five hundred dollars means five hundred frickin' dollars.

•4.2: Safety Equipment DOES NOT Count Toward $500 Total: Safety equipment described in Section 3 DOES NOT count toward the $500 total. "Safety" refers to things that can save the driver--not things that can save the car. ?4.2.1: Beside the items and processes listed in Section 3, the following are considered safety-related and therefore exempt: ?Wheels, tires, wheel bearings, balljoints, and brake components
?Exhaust systems downstream of the header/exhaust manifold (NOTE: Turbos and related components are NOT exempt from the $500 limit. Nice try.)
?Windshields and wipers. (Stock windshields, true Lexan, or circle-track mesh are acceptable; non-Lexan plastic is not acceptable.)
?Driver comfort & information (steering wheel, shifter, gauges, pedals, cool suits, vents, heaters, radio)
?All fuel hoses, fuel fittings, fuel filters, and related mounts
?All fuel-system components upstream of the fuel pump, including tanks/cells, mounts, fillers, vents, etc. (NOTE: Fuel pumps, carburetors, injection pumps, computers, and individual injectors are NOT exempt from the $500 limit.)

•4.3: Registration, Insurance, and License DO NOT Count Toward $500 Total: Registration, insurance, or license charges--assuming for some reason you bothered--DO NOT count toward the $500 total.
•4.4: BS Factor: To prevent cheating, all cars will be inspected by a panel appointed by the Organizers. At that time, all teams will be given an opportunity to describe the car's purchase and prep. If the panel believes the limit set out in Rule 4.1 has been exceeded, it will assign a Bullshit Factor (BSF) equal to one BSF per $10 above the limit. The entry will be docked one lap for each BSF assigned. (Ten dollars = one BSF = one lap.) Entrants are very, very, exceedingly strongly encouraged to bring pre-race-prep photographs, verifiable receipts, notarized testimonials, plus any and all other supporting evidence to Tech/BS Inspection. Or at least make up plausible-sounding stories in advance. ?4.4.1: Appeal of BSF Panel Decisions: Get real. There's no appealing this decision. You're boned.

•4.5: Sponsorships: Conned some hardworking corp into giving you parts or cash? Nice work, but it still counts toward the $500 total. We recommend blowing that sponsorship dough on other stuff instead--hotel rooms, gasoline, entry fees, pedicures, driver suits, personal male enhancement medication, travel expenses, Freudian therapy for the Organizers...things like that.
•4.6: Labor Costs: If you didn't pay for the labor, it doesn't count toward the $500 total. If you did pay for it, it does count toward the $500 total. This just ain't that complicated, guys.
•4.7: Scavenger Sales: If you sell pieces off of your car, the money that comes back in can be used to offset the initial purchase price. Just be prepared to convince some exceedingly skeptical judges of the validity of all those transactions.
•4.8: Residual Value: Dumb enough to bring the same pile back for another race? Either do the whole BS process again (bring all your papers and evidence--we ain't gonna remember your sad-sack story from last time), or email the Chief BS Judge to beg a residual value. Include clear post-race pix of the car and list any major mechanical stuff that needs fixing.

Now you read all that....you're going to have $4-5k in a ride for your first race. Seriously though, where else aside from demo derby can you race a $5k race car and have the potential to win???

Blase said:
When is the race in Houston? I'd love to come watch or help in the pits. Looks like a Blast.

Down in Angleton @ MSR.
Sept 29-30. Come on!!!

grcthird said:
Can they still crush your **** at will?

Hey we think you spent more than $500 so now it's a paper weight. molaugh

Yep, peoples curse. They pass the ballots out beginning of every race. Any car that gets "enough" vots get the dozer or track loader, or monster truck demo job. I think they give you 1 hour to remove everything that you wanna remove.
Getting ready for this weekend's race at MSR. My Wife is driving my spot, so it's her rookie debut racing. :popcorn:

Car is nearly ready. Just little nicknacks that still need finished.

Heres vid from this past Sunday of our brake break-in. We were testing out some new camera angles. Have to fix the "video game" angle from the rattle. I think I'm going to just replace the stickie mount for one that has a tighter fit, then use the Go-Pro lil snubbers. (PS if anyone has any white go-pro anti-vib snubbers that they didnt just throw away I'll take them). As well as add a cross brace to knock the occilating vib out of the mount.

TGTW Testing Camera Angles (while doing a brake break-in)
The first view for sure. That a bad ass......and I bet it looks right in line with Lemons racing mounted on the car.
Blase said:
The first view for sure. That a bad ass......and I bet it looks right in line with Lemons racing mounted on the car.

I hate the rocker view. It sounded like a good idea, but there is the unibody pinch seam that just wreck it.

rear mount is a terrible gay rear penis. but yeah it will fit in perfect.
Unofficial but I think we finished 12th in Class and 35th overall out of 92 entries.

We had so much dumbass **** happen to cost us laps, such as Track Transponder going bad and having to swap it out. Losing the keys to the racecar on Pit Road.

We shot a lot of video, not sure what was good or not due to all of the rain, and the cameras fogging up.
blacksheep10 said:
So not getting bumped to the A class just yet?
we ran a handful of laps that were 4 sec's slower than the fastest lap over the weekend. So we are legit fast, legit contenders but just couldnt get our **** to stay out on the track. If we win "B" its a guarantee to be in "A". Also we werent idiots this time and put in heavy "racing" on Friday track day to raise eyebrows and attract attention.

Blase said:
How did Tiff like driving?
She did awesome. Very fast. But that said I dont think she plans to do it again. She said she was glad she tried it so she had no regrets about it. She had a really rough stint, track was super slick with all of the standing water and lots of sprinkling. She did get lucky and didnt race in a downpour like Seth and Nathan did on their stints.
Is 4x4 legal? Seems like having a 4x4 on a wet track would be a HUGE advantage. Not sure how much it would hurt on a dry track or if it would hold up on pavement.
Blase said:
Is 4x4 legal? Seems like having a 4x4 on a wet track would be a HUGE advantage. Not sure how much it would hurt on a dry track or if it would hold up on pavement.

if we had 4x4 we could run it. They dont care, they may tell us we are idiots but they wont stop us from running. In the rain the front runner was a Taurus SHO with FWD he cooked it until the track dried out.