Can you tell us what # your club came up with?
No... Unfortunately I'm not fully sure what our final 'recommendation' was.
I personally feel that making any recommendation is a very slippery slope, once we've started down that path, it's very likely that we're in a perpetual loosing battle over vehicle requirements, etc.
So I made the arguements for 80.5 inches as the minimum we should fight for (as a club). I'm not our club's PNW rep, and I also have to work thursday, so I'm not sure what will actually be represented from our club, to the PNW.
Our entire club is 80.0 or less, measured at the bulge in the tire (not at the tread, but rather where there tire bulges at the ground). My arguement for 80.5 was due to the perception that we need to ask for (slightly) more than we need. I feel if we ask for too little, and we get it, we still have too little. But if we ask for too much, and they 'round it down', we still have enough. The general feeling that our rep brought back from the prior PNW region meeting, was that 80 inches was going to be the PNW's maximum number, and they were hoping for a lesser number. I feel that is a poor response, and we need to ask for MORE than we need, not less.
I liken this arguement to tire size. I started out on 31s, then 33s, then 35s, now 37s. But next year? Evolution says I'll be on 39s soon.
Same with width. First was narrow track CJ, then Scout width D44s, now D60s. Next?