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90's throw back....Manche build


Beerj, check out a finger brake /pan brake.

Super clean work. I wish I had patenticence/drive to do work that clean on my own stuff
Re: Re:

Beerj said:
Fantastic clean work as usual! After seeing your last rig and now this one, I feel like you are one of the best at utilizing every little bit of space.

I'm curious though, when you form something such as the lid for your rear storage, how do you make the final 2 bends on the lip that overlaps the box? Like, I understand that the first 2 are easy where the brake can go past the ends of the material but the other 2, it seems to me, the brake would have to be exactly the same length as the bend. Hopefully that makes sense.
Thanks beerj!

What he said \/

Box and pan brake
TBItoy said:
Beerj, check out a finger brake /pan brake.

Super clean work. I wish I had patenticence/drive to do work that clean on my own stuff
Thanks tbi!

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Mattix to kindergarten, Carter to middle school, and Carson was too cool for pics now that he's a senior... big day for the entire family.

Momma is a basket case, but me - I love watching them learn, grow, and mature... even as much as I would like them to stay little boys..



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Stripped down for final push to get to Dixie Run. Ready to weld out, plumb, wire, and build interior...3 weeks and counting...don't want to miss another ride, need that rock fix...

Won't be 100% turn key, but will leave me enough little bits to keep me busy through the fall.




This thing just makes me want to drive fast. Like, real fast. Like treat everything like a $5 entry dirt track race, fast. I'd be dangerous on trail 1 at basically any park in this thing.

....so when's it getting twin turbos?
Please please please have this thing at Dixie! Throw a couple of toggle switches and an oil pressure gauge on it and rock out.

The tins are a work of art but man it sure looks good nekked.
Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

The Luke said:
This thing just makes me want to drive fast. Like, real fast. Like treat everything like a $5 entry dirt track race, fast. I'd be dangerous on trail 1 at basically any park in this thing.

....so when's it getting twin turbos?
Me too...thanks Luke!

No turbo for me...(or any room for them).

This is an internally stock '06 corvette aluminum ls2 (with less than 20k miles). Mast magic in the m90 computer for nearly 100 more ponies over stock after the next update, currently has about 50 over, (reportedly 450 at crank now). That's enough for me... for now. I like the idea of stock internals of this motor for reliability.
twostep said:
Please please please have this thing at Dixie! Throw a couple of toggle switches and an oil pressure gauge on it and rock out.

The tins are a work of art but man it sure looks good nekked.
unless the wheels fall of the wagon, I'll be there. Having a plumbing and wiring crash shop day, on the 9th... with some of my local wheeling crew.

Thanks two step!
5BrothersFabrication said:

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Looking good. Ready to share the weight yet?

Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk
Re: Re:

ranger11 said:
Looking good. Ready to share the weight yet?

Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk
Race scales were borrowed, but I'll get them again soon.

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I know it isn't totally uncommon, but that header is gonna be warm after a few miles.
Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

squeak12 said:
I know it isn't totally uncommon, but that header is gonna be warm after a few miles.
True dat. Actually more air gap between header tube and inner panel than I had in my buggy. I do intend to wrap the outer most tube and apply insulation on the back of panel.

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Hammer down; plumbing and wiring party this weekend with @Paul, @ol'Jeeps, and @jeepn-jason - everything needs to have a home by then, except for interior panels; I'll complete those once she's cranked...











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Finished the gauge cluster and mount this afternoon











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Man, that's gonna be a right fit in there. But I dig it. How many ft of tubing did you end up using?
Console done- (it will be permanent after plumbing and wiring completed), fixed section of dash complete- (last two sections will be removable). Fuse panels have a home, left is the mast motorsports relay/ fuse panel, right is kwik car 14 circuit chassis harness. Rear half of chassis was tabbed out with Ruffstuff zip tie tabs, the toolbox is tabbed and no longer homeless, still need to weld the hinge and add the latch.











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