Here's some updates finally. Got my 32 spline front and rear outputs. twin stick stuff. CPI harness and computer. greatlakes 14 bolt cover.
Had to redo the lower link crossmember
toy-dana 300 doubler up for mock up.
been working on my little brother matt's jeep Here's some other crap I got in for it.
Started to take the 60 apart. Don't forget to hit the pin out on the bottom side of the caliper to get the caliper off. Don't just hit the damn thing for an hour thinking what the hell am I missing.
and then once you get it off it looks like this in no time. Just a 100 pound rotor and hub.
Got the single wheel done and the high steer arms on. Oh and you can see the extra Chevy 60 I keep tripping over there too. :mrgreen:
yeah flux core. Sorry the pics are shitty. The camera is at work and I'm not going there when I don't have to. I'll get some better pics up next week.
there are the only other pics I have til I get my camera.
I also got a box of brackets for the front 3 link and a ifs toy box tapped for hydro for $100
Better pic of the rear truss without the bracing. I'm watching football and not working right now.