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I'm giving him a few hrs to soak on the comments that fellow wheelers will leave

He believes he has done no wrong

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That's hammered dog **** :****:. I would be ashamed to help someone do a job this bad let alone charge for it. Who did this?
My long travel New brake lines

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hope it was free. if not you should have come up here! I do better than that for fun after drinking for a few hours. :puke:
I wouldnt call the place a shop, or the person a welder from all the awful pictures.
Believe a kid could do better work.
Long story short. I travel a lot for work.

I wasn't home when he delivered it. Trust me it wouldn't have gone down so smoothly

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Good Lord! That's what makes it hard for the little guy. Here I am trying to get as much business as I can and then I see where people are paying good money for crap like this. Pisses me off and I ain't got a dog in the fight. Quality speaks for itself. Do a good job and you'll get more work. I ain't gonna spend 3 weeks cutting a tube and welding it back into an oval but I can put out a lot nicer **** than that.

Sorry you got F'd. Bring it to me and I'll redo it for you. I can't stand to see threads like this
mine on left again

His on right


And I thought I was a shitty welder

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Holy ****! That's like some ghetto hack job **** weldered up behind a meth heads shack kinda work. Like damn
To get the real picture you would have to see this in person.
I seen it over the weekend an SON OF A BITCH it's bad. I almost passed
Out an I didn't have to pay for it. An like James said " the one that got ****ed". This guy thinks that's
Top notch work. He says he has done buggys for others. :wtflol:
WOW ! :eek:

How does someone do that kind if work and feel good about charging you for it? Did the guy really think he was doing a good job? :dunno:

The worst part is now you have to "un-do" what has been "done" in order to correct all the issues. Makes the job twice as hard for whoever has to fix this mess. I hate it for you man.
I love my new " oh **** bar"!

He said its adjustable!

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Dude my 7 year old welds better than that hack job ass bull **** sorry to so you you ****ed bad :****: now tell who the retard is so we can go pirate style and flame his ass royally :wtflol: I'd never make a person pay for some bullshit like that that is a straight g.damn insult to welders everywhere I'd like to smack this guy and it ain't my ****. :ban: this :afro: that done this ****