btw we also didn't run the brake lines, simply replaced the dry rotted existing ones. Parts include a new 4x10 piece of aluminum sheet metal, cooler for power steering, power steering reservoir, radiator hoses, hoses for the coolant side of the propane, thermostat neck, thermostat gasket, thermostat, exhaust gasket, some fitting adapters, wire for the volt guage and alternator, power steering hoses, hose clamps, two front rubber brake lines, two front hard brake lines, two rear hard brake lines, rear tfitting for brakes, jug of brake fluid, gallon of antifreeze, new throttle cable, an old muffler we had laying behind the shop that has no value, and a few other misc. odds and ends. We worked over 50 hours on it and that's 2 of us at times and 3 of us for a day and half.