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A New Kinder Gentler Hardline

yankster said:
If someone gets pissed about the cleanup they may be part of the problem.

Nailed it.

And for those that are offended, I'm offended that you're offended. So there.
Scaler said:
I think it's been a long time coming John G. Sometimes you have to take out the trash. This forum has become nothin but drama, gossip, porn and hate. Hardline needs to get back to the sport and "sportsmanship". Hatin on the internet is for cowards.
I've been checking on this thread, and this statement here.... so I was out of the loop on kind of important ride thats coming up, And I damn sure must be out of the loop on all of the nothin but drama (u kiddin me right) , hate and gossip and porn ??? What the ****?? Is it really been that bad and I've been to hIgh to realize it?? My God I have not seen personally any bullying, or anyone really being intentionally hateful. Sure there were some for sale ads that people never put a picture or never responded or ask $8000 for a tire... And then there's the classic " I have something for sale so I'm going to be a HUGE smart ass.." But bullying and hate and gossip... Maybe I don't pick up on things good... Because I can assure you there's not a mean bone in my body, unless I'm provoked but that's never happened here , been member over at pirate for three years maybe and have 20 post, when I ran across this site I instantly felt welcomed. ... Ahh Hell who Fukin cares wat I have to say anyways. . This is just blowing my mind that comments like that are made.. Sure wish someone would show me some examples of bullying and hate, i'll pass on the porn, (I get plenty, sorry) shits pretty weird that you look at that on here anyway if you asked me. (i'm sorry if that Hurt your feelings, feel free to report me) .. I'm going back to workin in my garage this is gettin silly.
Wes in TN said:
Nailed it.

And for those that are offended, I'm offended that you're offended. So there.
I'm not offended, and I'm not part of the problem.. I just didn't think it was that bad or am I missing a part of the forum? My goodness bullying ?? Forgot sakes people commit suicide over that. Ha. I'm just amazed at some thought of hard line as being like that. Never crossed my mind. And I'm offended that you're offended that others are offended. Hahahah
Neal3000 said:
How may user names does Jock have anyway?

Although I agree with what was said by the screen name you quoted. I'm sorry to disappoint. That is not me so find another scape goat.
Woodlee said:
All of the build threads have stopped though. A lot of people say its because of face book made it so easy to post a pic right up from your phone. I say its because you don't have a few self proclaimed experts getting together on every picture bashing what your doing. Every time there is a build thread it seems like it turns out in a builder defending his project.

No offense intended to you directly but I believe racing and sponsors have played a large role in the loss of tech both here and on Pirate. When a racer breaks something you can't even get them to post up how or what broke any more. Its a big fat huge secret that they won't tell because they don't want a competitor to learn from it or they don't want to make a sponsor look bad.

I saw Brad's FB post and was going to comment there and then saw this. I believe it is more appropriate here. Without getting into specifics, I've felt that this forum has actually become WORSE in terms of hate than Pirate. I've never seen Pirate as having been as bad as many here say it is. In fact, many guys I've met here who say Pirate is so bad haven't ever even been there, are just speaking from hearsay. Pirate has gotten better in the past year or two in terms of hate IMO. Yes, if you don't search people will tell you to search. I don't see that as being mean. I see it as not wanting to type a whole new book on the same subject. There have been countless threads here that I have simply not participated in because it has already been covered in abundance on Pirate. Sometimes I'll watch a thread here develop and just sit at the screen in disbelief as people re-hash stuff almost verbatim to how it had already been covered on Pirate in the past like its new info or something. I'm sorry, but if you won't go to Pirate just to absorb some info, not even having to participate, that's just ignorant. Its like putting a piece of IKEA furniture together wrong 16 times when the instructions are right in front of you.

For the past 2 or so years I've started living my life by a new initiative. Partly because of all the negative people in the world, but also because of my wife. My wife is a brooder. When something pisses her off she'll brood on it, let it ruin her entire week. It got to where I was spending half my life in misery and I just had to put my foot down. My new motto in life is "Default to Happy." When I'm just sitting around with no reason to be happy or sad, I default to happy. I naturally do this, always have, but only recently put it to words / conscious practice. I no longer let her or anyone bring me down. If people are going to be a negative nancy they can do it without me. I don't care who you are, what you do, how important you are. I will not let you control my outlook. My wife still broods but she does it alone. I take my daughter, go do fun things, let her brood on her own. She's getting better because she knows I just no longer give a ****. I'll even say something like, "Happy brooding" on my way out the door. I'm going to be happy for the rest of my life and no one can get in my way. If that means I have to cast you aside, banish you from my life, well, happy brooding to you, too! "If you ain't got nuthin nice to say, don't say nuthin at all" plays into this, too because, while saying negative things about others may make you feel good in the short-term, in the long term it means you are finding happiness in the negativity. That means you become a negative person. Not saying I have the answers to life, the universe, and everything. But I firmly believe the world would be a better place if something akin to my current philosophies was practiced more universally.

Anyway, kudos for the new initiative. I'm 110% in support.
Well said, I'm going to use the brooding line as I'm around a couple people that do the same. After I read that I feel like I just went to some kind of counseling :****:
patooyee said:
, if you don't search people will tell you to search. I don't see that as being mean. I see it as not wanting to type a whole new book on the same subject. There have been countless threads here that I have simply not participated in because it has already been covered in abundance on Pirate. Sometimes I'll watch a thread here develop and just sit at the screen in disbelief as people re-hash stuff almost verbatim to how it had already been covered on Pirate in the past like its new info or something. I'm sorry, but if you won't go to Pirate just to absorb some info, not even having to participate, that's just ignorant. Its like putting a piece of IKEA furniture together wrong 16 times when the instructions are right in front of you.

This amazes me also... It also dilutes the info in each thread when the same basic info is re-hashed for 2-3 pages in 5 different thread.

I think a couple TECH stickies might be in order (or if not sticky, at least lead the people that post new topics on the same old subjects to an existing thread and delete the new thread they started...)

Examples that come to mind right off hand are propane questions, brake questions, and coilover shock questions...)
rednecklights said:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I seriously think a sticky thornbird would be a badass tire!
poolman said:
Well said, I'm going to use the brooding line as I'm around a couple people that do the same. After I read that I feel like I just went to some kind of counseling :****:

On a serious not back in the day Pirate used to be grand but it's been ruined by it's members. Glad to see some forums sticking with something other than bashing or hashing grudges unless it's Marsha.....
I just spent 20 minutes of my life that I will never get back however if John G feels that this has gone on long enough then it is his decision to make. Anyone else who has issue with it should either contact him privately or not get on this forum. There are large number of guys on here that if you were in the ARMY, you would get seriously ****ed up very quickly. The rule is the rule, live it, love it and move the **** on. DAMN!
TheViking said:

On a serious not back in the day Pirate used to be grand but it's been ruined by it's members. Glad to see some forums sticking with something other than bashing or hashing grudges unless it's Marsha.....

I'm not sure which part got ruined? I guess if you want to look at chit chat which is completely retatrded...

Gen4x4 still has good tech and discussion.

But I only regularly check gen4x4, toyota, and tacoma sections...

rednecklights said:
I'm a closet thornbird lover

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hell yes sticky thornbirds would be the ****. And very grooveable to suit different terrain
wgamble said:
There are large number of guys on here that if you were in the ARMY, you would get seriously ****ed up very quickly.

These are the sort of comments that will be difficult for me to just overlook.
