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Aluminum Radiators

Lamar said:
Dear darius;
My sig line comes from another forum and I've decided to keep it. I am not a legend in anyone's mind. It is just a joke. I can alter, or even remove it, if it offends you that much.
Your friend;

Doesn't really offend me at all, just pointed it out. What does annoy me a bit is that it seem's since you've built you're own radiator and whatever else, you have a bit of a know it all complex yourself. All you are doing is taking a design of another radiator and duplicating it, just cause I duplicate buggies all day doesn't make me the end all be all knowledge holder of buggies..... Now you have built a radiator and sure are acting like you are the one that the radiator companies should be calling when they are confused.... Ditch the know it all complex:kissmyass:
Dear darius;
No it doesn't come from that, my friend. It comes from years of working in very remote places with next to nothing. In environments such as these, you figure out fairly quickly what works and what doesn't work. If you are unable to do this, then you don't do this sort of work for very long. I miss pavement. I *wheel* as part of my job, because I have to do it in order to get from one place to another. Wheeling has pretty much lost it's glamor and it's just become another part of the job for me. There are times during the year where we pull so much winch cable that we don't even bother to spool it back on the drum. We just coil it up, tie it with parachute cord and toss it on the hood because we know that within the next 1/4 mile we'll be hooking it up again. Do this over and over and it starts to get old rather quickly. Knowing what works and what doesn't only comes from actually experiencing it. Overheating is no fun when you're on a freeway, but overheating here can mean a VERY long walk home. A couple of hundred miles worth of walking, therefore it's in your best interest to not overheat.
Your friend;
Lamar said:
Dear darius;
No it doesn't come from that, my friend. It comes from years of working in very remote places with next to nothing. In environments such as these, you figure out fairly quickly what works and what doesn't work. If you are unable to do this, then you don't do this sort of work for very long. I miss pavement. I *wheel* as part of my job, because I have to do it in order to get from one place to another. Wheeling has pretty much lost it's glamor and it's just become another part of the job for me. There are times during the year where we pull so much winch cable that we don't even bother to spool it back on the drum. We just coil it up, tie it with parachute cord and toss it on the hood because we know that within the next 1/4 mile we'll be hooking it up again. Do this over and over and it starts to get old rather quickly. Knowing what works and what doesn't only comes from actually experiencing it. Overheating is no fun when you're on a freeway, but overheating here can mean a VERY long walk home. A couple of hundred miles worth of walking, therefore it's in your best interest to not overheat.
Your friend;

My point still stand's, living in the wherever you live doesn't make you're experience any more valid than anyone elses, like I said they are all opinions, it's the internet you can find info to backup whatever you want to hear. This is stupid to still be arguing over this, So at this juncture I'll be done.
blackcj7 said:
So much for gettin good info on aluminum radiators to much bullshit to read through:puke:
Go back and find Comet and Boomer's posts. They contain actual tech. The rest of the thread has some good respectable opinion sprinkled through it (Jason, Crash, etc.)

IMO, this thread demonstrates the good and bad that is Pirate. Lots of good tech, and lots of noise. An intelligent individual will be able to sift through it and find the nuggets of goodness. Sometimes, it takes a little bickering to make people want to type what they know :;
I would like to add one thing.

On most Fuel Injected motors, the cooler they run below "normal" operating temp, the more fuel they try to dump in to compensate for the heat loss.

So if you vastly improve your cooling system when you don't need to, you are wasting time.
KarlVP said:
I would like to add one thing.

On most Fuel Injected motors, the cooler they run below "normal" operating temp, the more fuel they try to dump in to compensate for the heat loss.

So if you vastly improve your cooling system when you don't need to, you are wasting time.

Yeah what he said, I forgot to add that earlier.
Lamar said:
I drive 4X4s all over the place, not in any laid out, well marked trail. One day I may be at 15K feet on the high plains at temps below freezing...

Lamar said:
Of course there's no such animal as anti-freeze here, as there's really no need for it so that is out. So yeah, you guys are absolutely correct i suppose. Aluminum is much better than brass. What was I thinking?


Could you at least keep your stories straight?
Wow. I didn't expect this kind of response. Thanks for all the info guys.

I had no idea about the epoxy construction of the cheaper radiators. A comparable Howe is only a few bucks more so I'll probably go that route. I've seen the Ron Davis radiators and they are definately good stuff but my budget won't allow it right now.