Got my 35 for setting up hydro on a jeep just labor no parts....
but yes maby three days at the most
but if my beer lasted three days I would need slaped aney way
love it

redneckengineered said:gawddamn you bunch of yuppie's and your ****in "expedition" coolers. This sumbitchll drop panties faster than you can pop a cap on one of your hippie ass sweetwater 420s son! :****:![]()
Bumpers said:I would like to have a smaller one but Im too cheap
redneckengineered said:gawddamn you bunch of yuppie's and your ****in "expedition" coolers. This sumbitchll drop panties faster than you can pop a cap on one of your hippie ass sweetwater 420s son! :****:![]()
mrdrinksalil said:Most of us are very close to a town with ice when we wheel the parks of the South East. If you wheel out west or spend a week at the hammers or in Moab, you NEED a cooler like a yeti. If you're gonna wheel for only weekends and at smaller parks then you can buy a lot of damn bagged ice for what a Yeti costs.
zukiscott said:THIS....
and this,,,,I think its became a retneck status icon as of late as well,,,you know,,,if they came out with a southeast redneck edition of a ken doll it would come with a new blinged out razor,,carhart clothing starter kit,costa shades and a damn yeti cooler full of little fake miller lites ;D