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Anybody out there with a Yeti? Worth the money?

Got my 35 for setting up hydro on a jeep just labor no parts.... :dblthumb: but yes maby three days at the most :driving: but if my beer lasted three days I would need slaped aney way molaugh molaugh molaugh love it
I say yes. I got a 75 qt. last year and it has been awesome. It's too big to carry around, but perfect for my boat or leaving in the truck bed to keep beer, food and extra ice. One of my buddies just got me a smoking deal on a 35 qt., should work good in the rzr.

I put ice in my yeti saturday morning around 7:00am and opened it a lot over the weekend, it has been sitting on my trailer in a field with no shade since sunday afternoon and it still has some slush in the bottom. If you actually keep it some what shaded and dont open it a billion times getting beers out it'll hold it a while. Yeti makes this flat plate thing that slides in the top side of the cooler and you run a lock cable through it and can lock it to whatever. I bought one and lock it to the safety loops on my gooseneck in my truck bed. Someone is going to have to really want it to get it.
gawddamn you bunch of yuppie's and your ****in "expedition" coolers. This sumbitchll drop panties faster than you can pop a cap on one of your hippie ass sweetwater 420s son! :****: :woot:


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redneckengineered said:
gawddamn you bunch of yuppie's and your ****in "expedition" coolers. This sumbitchll drop panties faster than you can pop a cap on one of your hippie ass sweetwater 420s son! :****: :woot:
molaugh molaugh molaugh molaugh molaugh molaugh molaugh
Re: Re: Anybody out there with a Yeti? Worth the money?

I would like to have a smaller one but Im too cheap
I per chill mine with a frozen gallon jug the night before, then use frozen water bottles for ice. One layer of frozen bottles in the bottom will keep food cold for a 3 day weekend no problem.

Same setup for drinks, prechill, frozen water bottles plus beer, sodas, and a few liquid waters, and 2 bins of ice from the freezer in Walmart bags laid on top.

Works great
redneckengineered said:
gawddamn you bunch of yuppie's and your ****in "expedition" coolers. This sumbitchll drop panties faster than you can pop a cap on one of your hippie ass sweetwater 420s son! :****: :woot:

And you don't need a 680 credit score to get one? :****: :wtflol:
Forgot to mention, my step brother is a Grizzly Coolers dealer. I'd be glad to get any Hardline member a price on one, may not be any cheaper, but I'll ask. :dblthumb: :drinkers:
Most of us are very close to a town with ice when we wheel the parks of the South East. If you wheel out west or spend a week at the hammers or in Moab, you NEED a cooler like a yeti. If you're gonna wheel for only weekends and at smaller parks then you can buy a lot of damn bagged ice for what a Yeti costs.
I love mine, got one for my birthday a few years back, thing is amazing. Would I have paid that much for one? Probably not, unless it was a smaller one. But the 1st time I saw it hold ice for 4-5 days in 90-100 deg weather I was impressed!!
buy a ocra cooler they are made in sparta tennessee plus they have a lifetime warranty
mrdrinksalil said:
Most of us are very close to a town with ice when we wheel the parks of the South East. If you wheel out west or spend a week at the hammers or in Moab, you NEED a cooler like a yeti. If you're gonna wheel for only weekends and at smaller parks then you can buy a lot of damn bagged ice for what a Yeti costs.


and this,,,,I think its became a retneck status icon as of late as well :dunno:,,,you know,,,if they came out with a southeast redneck edition of a ken doll it would come with a new blinged out razor,,carhart clothing starter kit,costa shades and a damn yeti cooler full of little fake miller lites ;D
zukiscott said:

and this,,,,I think its became a retneck status icon as of late as well :dunno:,,,you know,,,if they came out with a southeast redneck edition of a ken doll it would come with a new blinged out razor,,carhart clothing starter kit,costa shades and a damn yeti cooler full of little fake miller lites ;D

That's not very nice Julio! :flipgotcha: I don't drink Miller Light molaugh

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