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AOP-10k Bounty Run-Pics and Videos

Great job guys on the recoveries when I flip down through the crowd all I could see was people running the RED TAPE Was Put there for reason and people kept moving closer. I'm glad no one was hurt. I think you all done a hell of a job on all the recoveries. I will be back great park.
I worked there 3 days of my vacation,, others worked more !! so you could have the best and safe show , where were you ? want it better come help. or just come on event day and enjoy all the others hard work, and point out the work that you could have or would have done !! you go take vacation in Florida !! how does that help others with safety in your hobby ? easy to complain about others work !! Supervisors are great!!! Thanks Tom and others for a great park with good people who care !!!!! It's people like Pumpkin who help make this stuff work !!!!! I got your back !!!
Some people are right I'll just stay home next big event,, I don't like crowds..
Re: Re: Re: Re: AOP-10k Bounty Run-Pics and Videos

CHASMAN9 said:
You guys did an OUTSTANDING job, I was lucky enough not to need your services, but knew if I did need them, you were there. It's also goes without saying that because of workers like yourself and the others, that we as drivers can run a little harder know that if we do wreck, we are in good hands... :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb:
Thank you, that really does mean a lot. I don't have the money to travel to a lot of different parks (not saying they would even want the help) . But this one is close enough that we will be there to help Tom anyway we can.
Pave the hill or remove the rocks so rocks rolling down the hill don't hit people,, or don;t allow spectarors !! only drivers on the hill !! everyone else stay home!! I'll still be there!! I'm the first to say this is not safe !! Watch it on youtube from the couch !!! We could double fence it and install grandstands!! OH wait nascar did that people still got hurt last year!!!! you can't plan for everything !! Awesome job to all who worked to put on such a good show !! Half of these people don't have a clue what it takes and thanks TY !!
billstoy said:
Pave the hill or remove the rocks so rocks rolling down the hill don't hit people,, or don;t allow spectarors !! only drivers on the hill !! everyone else stay home!! I'll still be there!! I'm the first to say this is not safe !! Watch it on youtube from the couch !!! We could double fence it and install grandstands!! OH wait nascar did that people still got hurt last year!!!! you can't plan for everything !!
[/quote It is a dangerous sport people really need to realize how dangerous it is. I understand wsnting to get close to the action but boundaries are put there for a reason.
Part of the problem is STUPID PEOPLE !! don;t think you are safe because others are there !!! think for your self , what could happen,and where would I go!!
I was 5 foot from the first ledge behind 3 trees, with a extinguisher,, not a safe place !! I had 3 exit plans. I watched the whole time for flying trees and rocks !!!!
Re: Re: AOP-10k Bounty Run-Pics and Videos

There was several people on the hill that I don't know. But would still like to Thank them for their help and hard work. After I twisted my knee they tried to get me to set down and let them take care of it. But that's not how I'm made. As long as I can walk or move I'm there till the end. Adrenaline keeps a person going, I ain't had that kind of rush since being deployed.
Re: Re: AOP-10k Bounty Run-Pics and Videos

CHASMAN9 said:
You guys did an OUTSTANDING job, I was lucky enough not to need your services, but knew if I did need them, you were there. It's also goes without saying that because of workers like yourself and the others, that we as drivers can run a little harder know that if we do wreck, we are in good hands... :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb: :dblthumb:

Couldn't have said it better than that. Good Job Safety Guys and Drivers!

billstoy said:
I worked there 3 days,, others worked more !! where were you ? want it better come help. or just come on event day and enjoy all the others hard work, and point out the work that you could have or would have done !!
Just remember what you say when your speaking for a park I'm sure you helped alot and we appreciate that but bitching about people bitching and telling them to stay home or come do it there self's does not help a parks reputation, I'm just saying if Tom wanted to he would address all of this but he is not, and I'm sure he wants all the people to come through the gate he can get through the gate, I would just watch what i say if i was the spokes person for the safety crew and the park, we need this park here and need it to do well, your always going to have one person bitching but you have to look over it and move on. Just saying. But you guys did a great job. and also the drivers did the same, just watch out for Chasman he a crazy sum bitch.
sucker punch vs cherkoee !!! You know there a few bad apples who we all wish would stay home who make it bad for the whole bunch ! It is not up to the park owner to weed them out !! it's up to the fellow wheelers , friends and helpers,, leash them if needed!! Code red!! owners can't be everywhere !!! fellow wheelers are !! these people can make or break the park !!! people with little invested have little to loose.. Safety is a big issue the park rules say no drinking also.. some rules are lacks until they need to be enforced!! Some other people are right maybe I'll stay home on the event days !!
billstoy said:
sucker punch vs cherkoee !!! You know there a few bad apples who we all wish would stay home who make it bad for the whole bunch ! It is not up to the park owner to weed them out !! it's up to the fellow wheelers , friends and helpers,, leash them if needed!! Code red!! owners can't be everywhere !!! fellow wheelers are !! these people can make or break the park !!! They have already influnced the park !! That is why Tom said no mud pit "it draws the wrong crowd" for the most part he's right .. so that has already been decided because of STUPID PEOPLE !!! Next was discused was even to allow 4 wheelers, that's why single riders and helmets... people with little invested have little to loose.. Safety is a big issue the park rules say no drinking also.. some rules are lacks until they need to be enforced!!
yeah I understand but there are BAD APPLES as you call them everywhere but best thing to do is deal withthem the best way possible and move on.
I'm not speaking for any park, owner or any safety group !!! I'm speaking for all of us... hope you'll got my back !!
Understand some sarcasm in above posts .. I'm one of the most laid back , easy going person you;ll know , I can't stand BITCHIN bout other people . if it was about you or your work , you would have my support !! Respect !!!
Re: Re: Re: AOP-10k Bounty Run-Pics and Videos

tbacon38 said:
Just remember what you say when your speaking for a park I'm sure you helped alot and we appreciate that but bitching about people bitching and telling them to stay home or come do it there self's does not help a parks reputation, I'm just saying if Tom wanted to he would address all of this but he is not, and I'm sure he wants all the people to come through the gate he can get through the gate, I would just watch what i say if i was the spokes person for the safety crew and the park, we need this park here and need it to do well, your always going to have one person bitching but you have to look over it and move on. Just saying. But you guys did a great job. and also the drivers did the same, just watch out for Chasman he a crazy sum bitch.

x 10,000.
billstoy said:
I'm not speaking for any park, owner or any safety group !!! I'm speaking for all of us... hope you'll got my back !!
Understand some sarcasm in above posts .. I'm one of the most laid back , easy going person you;ll know , I can't stand BITCHIN bout other people . if it was about you or your work , you would have my support !! Respect !!!

you missed this part!!!! Bitching about the Volunteers and the work that should have been different " AT ANY PARK " is always the way to keep a park alive.. you don't like it you volunteer we will do it your way !!!! I support the people who WORK to keep our sport alive !!
" I used to like to help " :gtfo:

Thanks to the people who cleaned up after the ones who did not know how to, thanks for keeping the trails clean.
Videos play better on youtube,,, dvaughn71, busted knuckles, bouncer.com, madram11, been watching them all day !!!
Tolson in the DTOR buggy VS the $10,000 bounty hill at Adevnture Off Road Park