First off I wanna say thank you to the drivers that put their lives and rigs in harms way to entertain us y'all are a special breed as you'd still do it for free, second I thank Tom for providing us with this great place to ride and have these events for he loves this sport as much as we do,third Ty for promoting, B.K.,Madram11,and DVaughn for filming and giving us the pleasure of visiting and watching from home( web wheeling

), and last all of us volunteers that worked before during and after the event to clear trails, recovery,firefight, and clean up after lazy ass pigs that don't pick up there garbage, and thanks to the folks that come watch cheer and have a good time I know my leg are still sore from running up down and across that hill, flipping rigs, pulling cable, busting my ass carrying a fire extinguisher, and all that comes with it and I appreciate the drives thanking us even tho they didn't have to its a common gesture of appreciation that makes it worth it for them and us cus we appreciate them thrashing there rigs for our entertainment. All in all I had fun made new friends,met new people, watched the best sport on earth along with a show that wont be out done for who knows how long and can't wait to do it again. If I missed anyone

just kidding and I'll see y'all all next go round..... And I still wanna see this hill conquered I don't care how long its takes I wanna see it happen