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Big Geen Egg Grill

The best thing I have made on mine is a barbecue pork shoulder. My neighbor has a auto temp controller with a fan that ash pan grate. Then you just set theverything temp to what you want it to be and it will keep it there till it runs out of charcoal.
I just fill the grill full of charcoal put the shoulder in it skin side up and set it to 200 degrees and let it cook for about 12 hrs -14 hrs. Then I flipped the shoulder over put some home made sauce on it and cooked it about 2 more hrs. It was just as good as the whole hog we cook each year. I just didn't have to stay up all night feeding a fire and toting hot coals.

I believe this is the controller
j-mox said:
Not to sound like a jerk but I never understood the thinking behind covering the meat to "smoke" it. Aren't you defeating the original purpose of having it on a smoker? You basically are just putting it in a outdoor oven. I DO understand cooking uncovered for X amount of time to get the smoke ring and flavor and then wrapping to maintain moisture and then low and slow for tenderness.

It depends on if he is wrapping or covering. I have heard covering to help trap moisture or preserve the look but I'm not sure smoke can penetrate foil. We wrapped the knuckles of the shoulder in cheese cloth and aluminum coin and it literally gets 0 smoke through the whole cook. Wrapping after a long smoke is a whole different story. That is when you get your tenderness. Jmox the last contest I cooked in was in the boot heel. It is the Cape contest in spetembwr and was about 4 years ago.
money_pit_yj said:
It depends on if he is wrapping or covering. I have heard covering to help trap moisture or preserve the look but I'm not sure smoke can penetrate foil. We wrapped the knuckles of the shoulder in cheese cloth and aluminum coin and it literally gets 0 smoke through the whole cook. Wrapping after a long smoke is a whole different story. That is when you get your tenderness. Jmox the last contest I cooked in was in the boot heel. It is the Cape contest in spetembwr and was about 4 years ago.

I wondered if I was misunderstanding what he meant. So its like making a tent to keep juices dripping back over the meat then? That makes more sense now.

I live in Cape but the BBQ cookoff is on weekends I work almost every year. I would love to walk thru that for the smells alone!
j-mox said:
I wondered if I was misunderstanding what he meant. So its like making a tent to keep juices dripping back over the meat then? That makes more sense now.

I live in Cape but the BBQ cookoff is on weekends I work almost every year. I would love to walk thru that for the smells alone!

You know Ryan Shelton? He is from Jackson. He was my partner on our cooking rig. I designed it he built it and I made it do magic. We thought we were going to go up there and run the show cause we cooked Memphis in May contests.....we got our butts handed to us. Pun intended. We cooked for a bunch of folks around there he went to school with, a lawyer, couple brothers from Chaffe and some other folks. If we go back anytime soon I will let you know and you can come kick it with us. Corn harvesting can wait for BBQ thumb.gif
Never heard of him.

I love good bbq and it's one of those foods that everyone does it a little different but it's all good! I'm wanting to buy a Kamodo Joe to expand some cooking skills.

Yeah if you get up this way let me know :dblthumb:
j-mox said:
I wondered if I was misunderstanding what he meant. So its like making a tent to keep juices dripping back over the meat then? That makes more sense now.

I live in Cape but the BBQ cookoff is on weekends I work almost every year. I would love to walk thru that for the smells alone!

Correct. Its more of a very loose cover.
Re: Re: Big Geen Egg Grill

j-mox said:
This thread has got me wanting to try one out.

Menards has 11% off right now so a Kamodo Joe would be $256 after discount. Think it's time :eat:
Is that the Joe Jr? I have looked at them because of price, but the size had kept me away. If i get one i feel itll be worth getting the bigger.
Re: Re: Big Geen Egg Grill

j-mox said:

That is not a Kamado Joe Cooker. It is a big Red Kamado, it made by Char Grill. That's not to say it is not a good cooker, but it is most likely not ceramic. There would be no way to screw the legs into it if it were ceramic. Just a heads up before you buy.
Yeah I didn't realize that. Thanks for the info. I'll look into it more then before buying.

Saw the name and didn't know it wasn't the same. It's heavy but I will look closer at it. Thanks!
Re: Re: Re: Big Geen Egg Grill

money_pit_yj said:
That is not a Kamado Joe Cooker. It is a big Red Kamado, it made by Char Grill. That's not to say it is not a good cooker, but it is most likely not ceramic. There would be no way to screw the legs into it if it were ceramic. Just a heads up before you buy.
Chargrillers are steel, unless they've released a new one.

They work decent but have been known to rust, and arent quite as good as the real deal.
Dinner last night. Spatchcock chicken with dizzy dust rub. Potatoes. And asparagus in the foil. Peach wood on the coals, indirect for an hour and a half.


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ibrokeit said:
Dinner last night. Spatchcock chicken with dizzy dust rub. Potatoes. And asparagus in the foil. Peach wood on the coals, indirect for an hour and a half.

May be a silly question but: what is the difference in direct and indirect heat on these?

I did several chicken breasts in mine for the first time tonight and they turned out awesome. I don't know how I've gone so long without one of these.
smbroady82 said:
May be a silly question but: what is the difference in direct and indirect heat on these?

I did several chicken breasts in mine for the first time tonight and they turned out awesome. I don't know how I've gone so long without one of these.

Place setter makes it indirect heat. Ceramic plate between fire and rack.


Folks make cast iron ones as well. Just got mine a few weeks ago and it is awesome. Mine was "engineered" before I got the real deal.
smbroady82 said:
10-4, I'm on the same page now

looks like more expensive egg stuff to buy lol

I did a year with a pizza stone and two metal skewers to make mine. I use an electric heat gun to light it :indianajones: :indianajones:


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ibrokeit said:
That doesn't raise your cooking grate up any, though. A platesetter raises the grate.

Correct and from my experience and from others the cheaper ceramic plate setters will eventually crack. The BGE brand plate setter is the only one that I have seen last worth a damn. I also wrap mine in foil most of the time to keep it from getting really nasty.